1993 Ground-Water Flooding in the Havana Area
The Havana area in Mason County, west-central Illinois, experienced nearly continuous rises in the water table beginning in the fall of 1992 which created lakes in depressed areas. Water...
Flow Resistance of High-Gradient Gravel Channels
The flow resistance in terms of the friction factor for bank-full or high in-bank flows for 120 high-gradient gravel-bed rivers are examined. The friction factor f was divided into grain...
Critical and Supercritical Flows in two Unstable, Mountain Rivers, Toutle River System, Washington
Critical and supercritical flows are generally considered to be rare occurrences in natural river channels. This paper presents data and results pertaining to the existence of measured...
A Study on Mathematical Model for Sediment Yield in Mountain Regions with Large Hillside Slopes
Based on the characteristics of water and soil loss in mountain region with large hillside slopes in southwest of China, the equations of runoff formation and sediment yield are obtained....
Size Characteristics of Debris Flow Deposition
The size distribution of debris flow deposition is extremely wide which may contain nearly all particles from clay and colloid to boulder. Particle size and composition have very important...
Energy Losses in Steep Tributary Streams at Flows Near The Threshold of Bedload Entrainment
The flow patterns in mountain tributary streams that depends on the channel morphology, cobbles, boulders and debris that protrude along the channel and bank height cause energy losses...
Palaeohydraulic reconstruction of floods in upland UK bedrock streams: progress, problems and prospects
Palaeoflood evidence from five small upland Pennine catchments in the UK is used with the HEC-2 flow routine to simulate Holocene peak discharges. Even allowing for uncertainty, sensitivity...
Analysis of Sand Movement on Noto Coast by Geochemical Method
The analysis of sand samples by X - ray fluorescent spectroscopy (abbreviated by XRF) gives the ratio of the geochemical elements to construct the sand samples. This shows the geochemical...
Velocity Control Rings for RC Pipe on Steep Slopes
This paper discusses the use of internal concrete rings to reduce velocity and concrete erosion for reinforced concrete pipes on steep slopes in the Southern California area....
A Physically-Based Model of Channel Widening
The application of many existing models of river channel morphology is limited by their inability to account for bank erosion and changing channel width through time. This paper outlines...
Theoretically-Derived Regime River Width
The governing equations describing the motion of fluid and non-cohesive sediment particles in alluvial channels are combined to analytically determine the equilibrium surface width of...
Boundary Shear in the Vicinity of River Banks
Some experimental data are presented concerning the distribution of boundary shear stresses in trapezoidal open channels for both inbank and overbank flows. The local shear stresses on...
Determination of Geometry and Stress Distribution of an Optimal Stable Channel
A numerical model which determines the geometry of a threshold channel was recently developed (Diplas and Vigilar, 1992). This is important in the design of irrigation canals, channelization...
Equilibrium Geometry of Channels with Cohesive Banks
An optimization model is used to assess the stability of gravel-bed rivers with cohesive channel banks and to determine the effect of the bank stability on the equilibrium hydraulic geometry....
Characterization of Incised Channel Development
A combination of hydraulic and geotechnical techniques have been applied to predict future cross-section morphology in incised channels. The SAM program (Copeland, 1991) computes combinations...
Width Adjustment: Relative Dominance in Unstable Alluvial Streams
The mechanisms that control the relative dominance of width adjustment in unstable streams are described. Specifically, the role of the following factors affecting the fluvial environment...
Field Evaluation of the Sediment Transport Model Stream with a Bank Erosion Component
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model STREAM of Borah, Alonso and Prasad was expanded earlier by incorporating a riverbank erosion component of Osman and Thorne. In...
Toe Scour Protection Methods
Toe scour protection is an important element in bank protection projects because undermining by scour at the toe is one of the major causes of failure of bank protection. Existing toe...
Management of Sediments on the Red River Waterway Project
The Red River is a large alluvial river system with the lower 280 miles currently being developed for shallow draft navigation. The navigation project entails construction of five locks...
Urban Runoff Based on Land Use and Particle Size
As point sources have achieved pollution compliance, the focus of pollution abatement has shifted to nonpoint sources. New Federal regulations require wet-weather monitoring of drainage...
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