Automated Total Quality Management for the Constuction Industry
This paper describes the design of a computer system, called the Total Quality Management system (TQM), to integrate a Quality Assurance (QA) management system with time and resource management...

Building Renovation Decision Support Model
Theoretically, it may be assumed that with proper construction and maintenance the life of a building could be extended almost indefinitely. In practice, however, buildings tend to have...

Optimal Adaptive and Predictive Control System of Buildings by Neural Network and Fuzzy Theory
This paper describes an optimal adaptive and predictive control system and its digital simulations for a single-degree-of-freedom system subjected to earthquake loading. In this system,...

Verification of Real-Time Software for Active Structural Control
In this paper we give an overview of our preliminary work in verifying the reliability of real-time software systems for active structural control. While there have been numerous studies...

Facilities Management System with CAD and Information Control Tools
This paper concerns the establishment of a facilities management (here after referred to as FM) system using ready-made computer software. In general, most so-called FM systems consist...

Fit to Drink
Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA) in 1986 greatly expanded the number of contaminants subject to regulation and significantly beefed up water quality treatment and monitoring...

Managing the Data Explosion
Sound data management practices have always been central to a successful project. However, the data explosion brought on by high-tech electronic sensors and automatic samplers can exceed...

Reliability Assessment of Concrete Pavement Sawing
Traditional concrete pavement design sometimes realize on qualitative decision based on experience, with concrete pavement sawing operations representing a specific case in point. presently,...

Implications of Uncertainty in Transportation Control Measures: A Case Study of the Los Angeles Truck Management Program
The Los Angeles Department of Transportation has proposed a peak period travel restriction aimed at heavy-duty trucks on all Los Angeles streets. The ordinance is designed to reduce the...

Towards a `Simple' Long Term Evaluation of HSGT
The author examines, analyzes, and pursues the roots of several fundamental economic and related theories and techniques commonly used to determine technological performance, its measurement...

High Speed Ground Transportation on U.S. East Coast
The United States has entered into a new era of need for domestic improvement. The demand for high speed transportation far exceeds the supply. The increasing congestion of our roads and...

HSGT?Competitive or Complimentary to Air Travel
The capacity of existing airports to meet increased travel demand is limited. Utilization of high speed ground transportation as a complimentary mode originating from major hub airports...

Contractor's Quality Program Requirements
To examine the applicability of modern QC/QA techniques to large HSGT infrastructure projects constructed by outside contractor consortia....

Concurrent Engineering Planning in HSGT Systems
Why should concurrent engineering concepts and TQM (Total Quality Management) procedures be considered for large scale HSGT (High Speed Ground Transportation) engineering and planning...

High-Speed Rail's Prospects in Canada
This paper reviews the attractiveness of high-speed rail in Canada. It summarizes the findings of studies on the subject by VIA Rail, Canada's national passenger rail corporation. VIA...

The National Status and Trends Program: Development and Future Directions
NOAA's National Status and Trends Program was initiated in 1983 to provide information on environmental quality related to levels and effects of toxic contaminants in U.S. coastal and...

Evaluation of Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrient Trends in the Houston Ship Channel from Historical Statewide Monitoring Data
Dissolved oxygen and selected nutrient trends in the Houston Ship Channels (Texas Water Commission (TWC) segments 1007, 1006 and 1005) during the period of 1969 through 1990 were evaluated...

Industry and Agencies Join Forces to Improve Water Quality
Southeastern Egg and Poultry Association (SOUTHEASTERN), Soil Conservation Service (SCS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Tennessee Valley AUthority (TVA), Extension Service...

Proposed Storm Water Management Programs: An Opportunity for Coastal Municipalities to Improve Water Quality
On November 16,1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) promulgated a final regulation establishing National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit application requirements...

Modern Air Pollution Reduction Technology on Platforms in the Pacific OCS
The Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) along the California coast line has the most sophisticated air pollution reduction technologies implemented in the world. This paper describes...





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