Evolution and Dynamics of the Chilka Lake
The Chilka Lake, the largest coastal lagoon in Asia, has occupied a possible tectonic depression along the east coast of India. Although the open sea coast was along the western margin...

AVL's Future Holds Little Value without Integrated Data Communications for Total Mobile Resource Management
The future of automatic vehicle location (AVL) lies in broadening its definition for greater market acceptance and applicability. AVL by itself is for limited utility. To solve real-world...

Flood Assessment at a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Site in Southern Nevada
Flood hazard analysis on alluvial fans using Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) methodology is not limited to the FEMA Alluvial Fan Methodology (AFM). Other FEMA-accepted methods...

Nonpoint Source Pollution Model for Agricultural and Rural Watersheds
A dynamic hydrologic and nonpoint source pollution simulation model for agricultural and rural watersheds; capable of simulating rainfall-runoff, soil erosion, sediment transport, mixing...

Irrigation, Agrichemicals and the Environmental Impact, the Role of Hydrologic Non-Point Source Models
The importance of pollution loads from agricultural lands and the degradation of soils and water resources has brought about extensive efforts throughout the environmental and agricultural...

Dynamic Perspective on the Capillary Barrier Effect at the Interface of an Upper Fine Layer with a Lower Coarse Layer
The theoretical principles behind the determination of infiltration rate into a coarse layer overlain by a tight layer are reviewed. As a descending unsaturated wetting front hits the...

An Integrated Software System for 3DFEMWATER: A 3D Grid Generator, A Graphical Post-Processor, and Additional Analysis Tools
An integrated software system for 3DFEMWATER has been developed to improve the groundwater flow modeling process. The system generates finite-element grids, graphically portrays simulation...

Application of Vadose Zone Flow and Transport Models
This paper summarizes application of two subsurface flow and transport models at Superfund sites, and evaluation of a number of other unsaturated zone models. The screening level models...

Design and Analysis of an Irrigation Pond Using Urban Stormwater Runoff
Stormwater held in detention ponds can be reused for irrigation. A simulation of a mass balance on pond storage volume using rainfall and evaporation data for selected areas is presented...

Flow and Transport of Nonaqueous Phase Liquids in Groundwater Systems
Nonaqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) are present at numerous hazardous waste sites and are suspected to exist at many more. Due to the numerous variables influencing NAPL transport and fate...

Flow Augmentation in the Fenholloway River Basin
Methods to enhance water quality were examined in a north Florida river basin containing industrial wastewater effluent from a paper pulp mill. Streamflow augmentation was determined to...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Northeastern U.S. and Canada
Drainage has been used in the northeastern U.S. since colonial times. It has only been since the 1970s subsurface drains have been installed at a significant rate in Quebec. Drainage in...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Southeastern Coastal Plain
This paper is designed to consolidate selected research and results from investigations of the impacts of agricultural drainage on water quality in North Carolina, South Carolina, and...

Effect of Agricultural Drainage on Water Quality in the Humid Portion of the Pacific Northwest
Agricultural drainage first began in Washington around 1830 and in Oregon around 1840. The first efforts to drain soils for agricultural use began by constructing shallow ditches spaced...

Role of Winter Cover Crops in Reducing Nitrogen Leaching in Sandy Soils
The role of rye as a winter cover crop to reduce nitrate leaching was investigated over a three-year period on a loamy sand soil. a cover crop was planted after corn in the early fall...

Soil Treatment of Food Processing Wastewater
Wastewater from food processing contains a large oxygen demand. Most food processing wastewater requires primary treatment to remove some solids and secondary treatment to oxidize oxygen...

Subsurface Drip Irrigation Can Reduce Pollution
Several researchers have indicated that precise subsurface drip (SSD) application of irrigation water can be effectively used to reduce pollution of the aquifer when irrigating with reclaimed...

Lead is a Four-Letter Word
New regulations and strict enforcement make it difficult and expensive to remove lead-laden coatings from steel structures. Lead-based primers and paints are not considered hazardous as...

A Solid Waste Solution
Burgeoning growth and diminishing landfill capacity have been propelling Broward County, Fla. toward a solid-waste crisis. The county, located along Florida's southeastern...

Adaptive Control of Unavoidable Hazardous Releases
This paper presents a procedure for the adaptive control of hazardous releases of toxic substances. In particular, the control strategy is aimed at deliberate releases from man-made storage...





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