The Nebraska Chemigation Cat?1987 in Review
The Nebraska Chemigation Act was signed into law in April of 1986 with requirements effective January 1, 1987. The Act is one of the most comprehensive pieces of chemigation legislation...

Probabilistic Approach to Maintenance Scheduling
Maintenance has the purpose of prolonging the working life of equipment and of sustaining expected levels of performance and reliability. If equipment deterioration is construed as a probabilistic...

Groundwater Transport in a Heterogeneous Aquifer: Tracking a Complex Plume
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting a large-scale groundwater research project as a part of the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) Solid Waste Environmental...

Identification of Automation Opportunities
Construction, although the world's largest industry, is also its most archaic. Most construction practices are very labor-intensive, with resulting impacts on safety, productivity,...

Earthmoving in the Lunar Environment
This paper analyzes the lunar 'earthmoving' process with inputs, outputs, and external conditions acting upon it. Lunar environmental conditions such as temperature,...

A Methodology for Modeling Construction Requirements for a Manned Lunar Base
Before accurate modeling and planning of a manned lunar base can be accomplished, a methodology representing the construction-and-assembly process of lunar surface facilities must be developed....

Intelligent Construction Machines for Initial Planetary Shelter Fabrication
There have been any number of artists panoramas of initial base and habitat construction on other planetary bodies, notably recently the moon. Most of these conceptual drawings assume...

Candor Chasma Camp
This paper proposes a camp at Mars, in the Coprates region of the Valles Marineris rift, just below the equator on Candor Mensa 6�-12'S, 73�-30'W. Beginning at...

Homesteading Mars
The author gives serious study to setting up a permanent Martian base during the first or second manned Mars mission. The savings of fuel and equipment for the return trips might pay for...

Adaptable Crew Facilities for Future Space Modules
This paper discusses life-size studies recently carried out on advanced crew accommodation features for future space module utilization. The studies are based on exploratory designs for...

Evaluation of Methods for Recovering Crew Members and Equipment Adrift from the Space Station
Among the most frequent industrial accidents are those involving falling workers or dropped equipment. There is no reason to believe that such accidents will not occur in space. (In fact,...

Solar Power Satellite - A Re-Visit
The United States should renew activities investigating the production of baseload electrical power for use on Earth from space. Technology change, world events, and the dictates of the...

Power Systems for Production, Construction Life Support, and Operations in Space
As one looks forward to mankind's future in space, it becomes obvious that unprecedented amounts of power will be required for the exploration, colonization, and exploitation...

Nuclear Electric Propulsion for Near-Term Space Missions
Potential uses of nuclear electric propulsion (NEP) for earth-orbit, lunar, and martian missions are analyzed. NEP systems allow a higher payload mass fraction than chemical systems. NEP...

Solar Water Heater for NASA's Space Station
This paper describes an investigation of the feasibility of using a solar water heater for NASA's Space Station. During the investigation computer codes were developed to...

Indirect Solar Loading of Waste Heat Radiators
Waste heat from space based power systems must ultimately be radiated away into space. The local topology around the radiators must be considered from two standpoints: the scattering of...

The Liquid Droplet Radiator in Space: A Parametric Approach
This study is a parametric investigation of the performance and operating characteristics of a cylindrical Liquid Droplet Radiator (LDR) for use in space. The LDR system mass per heat...

Space Construction Animator: Functional Requirements
This paper explores the idea of developing integrated design/construction tools. In order to develop suitable computer graphics integrated tools for space construction operations, the...

Surgery in the Microgravity Environment
As man becomes more active in space, the possibility of major medical emergencies requiring surgical procedures will increase. Surgery in the microgravity environment involves many challenges...

Astrotectonics: An Overview
Astrotectonics is the science of construction in space of both orbital and planetary structures and facilities, as well as orbitally assembled interplanetary spacecraft. The success of...





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