Physical Distribution System Models for Assessing the Impact of Water Quality on Regrowth and Corrosion
Over the past several years, there have been several new and proposed Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulations that will require many water utilities to modif treatment operations to...

Suspended Sediment Loads in Dry and Wet Years
Many factors other than water discharge influence the suspended sediment load in rivers. The climate condition is one of the factors. It is expected that the relation between Qs...

Specification of Cu, Pb and Cr in Contaminated Sediment Effected by pH
Sediment was sampled from a contaminated river. Sequential extraction was applied to determine the speciations of Cu, Pb, and Cr in the sediment with varied pH (5?9), and the redox potential...

The Effect of Climatic Change on Hydrologic Variables
There has been increasing concern about the threat of global warming affecting the earth's climate. This warming scenario, called the greenhouse effect, is believed to be...

Climate Change: What the North American Water Engineer Should Know
Long-range forecasts of future global warming have been made based on the increase in carbon dioxide and trace gases in the air from human activities. Potential changes which would especially...

Streamflows Prediction Models for the Colombian Generation System Considering El Ni?o Effect
A monthly and a daily prediction models for some Colombian rivers with hydropower developments were developed and implemented. Several monthly streamfiow prediction models are presented....

Soil Water Chemistry of Irrigation with Drainwater
The use of drainwater for irrigation was demonstrated as a management option that reduces net farm drainage and provides control over water quality (O'Brien and Guitjens,...

BMP for Control of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Flow
Nine ha of spring wheat were sprinkle irrigated with drainwater from 15 subsurface drains. The objective was to demonstrate that use of drainwater for irrigation improves the net efficiency...

Shallow and Surfacing Ground Water in an Arid Urban Environment
Return flow from landscape irrigation is now a major recharge source and the loss of phreatophytic vegetation has caused decreased evapotranspiration discharge in Henderson, Nevada. Lateral...

Use of Channel Forming Discharge Concepts for Flood Control Channel Design
Evidence suggests that for perennial and ephemeral rivers that are in regime, bankfull flow is strongly correlated with channel morphology. Evidence suggests that this discharge is also...

Hydraulic Effects of Habitat Structures in Flood Control Channels
Three field sites have been established and laboratory flume experiments begun to assess the effect of habitat enhancement measures on water-surface profiles and local scour in flood control...

Reversibility Measures for Sustainable Decisions
Increasing stress on the environment and current norms of sustainable development have prompted the formalization of new approaches to decision making. This may be achieved through the...

Risk as a Sustainable Development Criteria
Project alternatives can be compared on a relative basis when all factors contributing to social, environmental and economic risks are weighed by all the stakeholders concerned. It is...

The Integration of Receiving Water Impacts in the Evaluation Process of Alternative Designs for CSO Abatement in Providence, RI
The Providence, Rhode Island sewer system is undergoing a combined sewer overflow abatement program. One measure of the program's effectiveness is the reduction of water quality...

Selecting Design Conditions as Part of a Watershed Approach to Water Quality Control
EPA water quality guidance recommends that water quality criteria be exceeded no more than once in three years. Standard approaches, based on the use of critical design conditions, have...

Application of Mathematical Models for Flood Forecasting in Sri Lanka
With the introduction of microcomputers, the application of mathematical models in water-resources planning and forecasting became increasingly popular during the last decade in Sri Lanka....

Using HEC-RAS to Compute Scour at Bridges
HEC-RAS (River Analysis System) is an integrated system of software, designed for interactive use in a multi-tasking environment. The system is comprised of a graphical user interface...

Effect of Surface Water and Ground Water Interaction on Atrazine Transport to Pumping Wells
High concentrations of agricultural chemicals in flood waters have been reported in many Midwestern rivers and streams. The public water supply wells of a number of riparian communities...

Pollutant Transport Across Porous Stream Beds
The presence of porous streambeds generates a significant interaction between the main stream flow above it and the flow through the porous sub-stratum. This coupling affects both flows,...

Simulation of Interaction between Canal Regulation and Groundwater
l-D canal routing module has been developed to perform the operation of controlled structures for regulating flow in the canal network system and incorporated in the Three-Dimensional...





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