Use of Stormwater Models to Optimize the Performance of a Regional Stormwater Detention System
implications of stormwater models to develop a regional detention basin master plan for Fairfax County, Virginia are described. Following the selection of candidate sites and detention...

Underground Storage in Urban Stormwater Management
The use of underground pipe detention basins is discussed. These basins mitigate the frequency of localized flooding and sewer surcharging by effectively increasing the flow capacity of...

BMPs for Urban Stormwater Management in Virginia
This paper presents discussions on applying best management practices (BMPs) in Virginia as part of the Chesapeake Bay clean up program and future information needs....

Continuous Drainage System Modeling of Jones Run
A generalized package of hydrologic and hydraulic models has been developed for the quantitative analysis of watersheds and drainage networks. The package is called ODWAP (the Old Dominion...

Virginia Case Studies of Risk Based Drainage Design
The goal of this paper is to apply a practical engineering risk-based method of design of pavement and surface drainage systems to three Virginia case studies. The target systems include...

Field Testing of Selected Urban BMP's
This paper presents the results of field sampling of two urban BMP's (Best Management Practice), namely, a wet detention pond and a level spreader/vegetative buffer strip...

Comparison of Storm Water Management for Phoenix and Washington, D.C. Urban Areas
The design criteria, the methods of analyses, and the estimated costs of construction are compared for two storm water management systems in the Phoenix, Arizona and the Washington, D.C....

The Changing Federal/State Relationship in Water Resources: An SCS Perspective
Since 1935, the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) has worked directly with state and local agencies, and individual landowners, to conserve and develop the Nation's soil and...

Hydraulic Studies of Surface Drainage from Level Furrows
Field studies have been completed to quantify the surface drainage phenomenon from level furrows which were rapidly flooded and then drained from the inlet end of the furrow. The proportion...

1987-88 Actions on El Paso vs. New Mexico
It has been determined by the City of El Paso that water wells near the Texas-New Mexico borders should be used to supplement their water supply in the years 2000-2020. Opposition to the...

A Method for `Warped Surface' Land Forming Design
Most approaches to land forming are based on a plane surface design which in some cases may result in prohibitive costs or excessive removal of top soil....

Computer Spreadsheet Applications to Small Site Drainage Engineering
The computer spreadsheet provides the drainage engineer with a simple, efficient, and adaptable tool for modeling drainage engineering problems. Engineering applications include runoff...

Wetland Impacts of Center Pivots in Wheeler Co., NE
This paper describes an investigation of wetlands impacts from an intensive center-pivot irrigation operation in a 17,000 acre portion of Nebraska's Sandhills region. Well...

Irrigation Intervention Analysis of Drainage SAR
G.E.P. Box-G.M. Jenkins time series analysis, with irrigation applications as an intervention function, was used to study temporal and spatial variabilities of sodium adsorption ratios...

Sprinkler and Subirrigation Research Park for Multiple Cropping Research
A research park has been developed to enable scientists to evaluate sprinkler and subsurface irrigation management strategies for multiple cropping rotations. Various sprinkler irrigation...

Developing a Training Program for Inspectors
The reasons for failure of engineering works are many and varied. An inexperienced or poorly trained construction inspector can be a contributing element in cases of failure. The Bureau...

A Comprehensive Tool for Tile Drainage Planning
The objective of the project is to design and develop a set of software tools, building on existing models and computer-assisted procedures, known as an Advanced Decision Support System...

Investigation of Runoff from a Subsurface Drained Field
This paper examines the relationship among rainfall, water table level and runoff hydrographs for subsurface-drained farmlands. It was found that peak flows were greatly influenced by...

Verification of an Agricultural Land Drainage Model
An agricultural land drainage simulation model was tested under field conditions. The model was found to have several errors. Some of these errors were corrected and the model was tested...

Drainage Through Segara Anakan
The Lower Citanduy Irrigation Project in Central Java, Indonesia, drains through the estuary called Segara Anakan. Due to sediment accretion, the lagoon is filling. With erosion problems,...





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