Two-Dimensional Dam-Break Flow Simulation in a Sudden Enlargement
The paper presents the use of a two-dimensional depth averaged mathematical model for an unsteady dam-break flow simulation in a sudden enlargement. Continuity and two momentum equations...

Reliability and Validity of Modeling Sedimentation and Debris Flow Hazards Over Initially Dry Areas
Extreme floods may inundate populated areas of a river valley that are normally dry. Two-dimensional flow analysis is a useful method for predicting the spatial and temporal behavior of...

A comparison between computed and measured bed evolution in a river bend
A shallow-water scheme with a movable bed has been employed in order to check the reliability of computations related to the bed evolution when a substantially three-dimensional phenomenon...

A Computerized Open Channel Flow Measurement Device
This is a technical information paper with the intention of introducing a new product. It is not the intent of the author to use this as a marketing tool. However, it is the intent to...

Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Acoustic Velocity Meters
A project is currently underway to evaluate the performance of 27 acoustic flowmeters used at Hoover, Davis, and Parker Dams on the lower Colorado River. Field surveys and laboratory testing...

Mapping 2-D and 3-D Velocity Components in Circular Conduits Using an Electromagnetic Current Meter and a 5-Hole Pilot Probe
The techniques presented in this paper facilitate the visualization of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow fields at arbitrary sections in a conduit. They have been used to...

Velocity and Turbulence Measurement from the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers
This paper presents a data measurement program that was used for collecting the velocity data associated with barge-tow traffic on the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers and includes a discussion...

Velocity Measurements by the One-Orange Method
Application of the most sophisticated instrumentation - so called state-of-the-art equipment - is not always necessary nor even desirable for measurement of mean velocities in verticals,...

Experimental Design and Measurement Techniques for Investigation of Two-Phase Flow
Discussing the relevant hydraulical and inter-phasial processes of two-phase flow in open tanks the necessary requirements for set-up and operation of physical model studies are worked...

On Measurements of Particle Spinning Motion
Investigation of particle saltation motion is crucial to the development of the theory of bed load transport. Due to the combination effects of the bed roughness and the velocity gradient,...

Hot-Film Response in Three-Dimensional Highly Turbulent Flows
A methodology is described for accurate turbulence measurements with hot film or hot wires even at turbulent intensities as high as 100%. The assumptions involved and the approximations...

Development of a Visual Method to Track the Movement of Hydrogen Bubbles in a Laboratory Flume
The current study proposes a visual method for tracking the hydrogen bubbles position with time in a 2-D space. The experiment is filmed from above with a video camera. The obtained movie...

High-speed Video Analysis of Sediment-Turbulence Interaction
Results from the analysis of high-speed video recordings of particle motion and simultaneous flow visualizations in the near wall region of a turbulent open channel flow are presented....

Visual Investigation of Field Bed-Load Sampling
An instrument for bed load sampling was developed consisting of an underwater video camera for visual observations. This instrument is called the Delft-Nile sampler and its design, efficiency...

Estimation of Mean Velocity for Flow Under Ice Cover
Methods of estimating mean velocity in a vertical from point velocity measurements are compared for an ice-covered channel. The comparison is based on velocity profiles obtained from a...

Effects of Simulated Ice on the Performance of Price Type-AA Current Meter Rotors
Slush ice readily adheres to the standard metal rotor of the winter Price type-AA current meter and affects the ability of the meter to measure the flow velocity accurately. Tests conducted...

Developing Air Concentration and Velocity Probes for Measuring Highly-Aerated, High-Velocity Flow
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation's stepped spillway overtopping protection research program required velocity and air concentration profile data be obtained during testing in a large, 15.2-m-high...

Application of a Needle Probe in Measuring Local Parameters in Air-Water Flow
In this paper, development of a double needle probe for measuring local parameters in air-water mixtures is explained. This probe is designed to measure flow velocities up to 10 m/s and...

Measurements of the Hydrodynamic Lift and Drag Forces Acting on Riprap Side Slope
Direct measurements have been made of lift and drag forces acting on a 20.1 mm spherical particle placed within the riprapped 1.5 H: 1 V side slope of a 10 m long channel which was protected...

Recent Applications of Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
A Broadband acoustic Doppler current profiler (BB-ADCP) is a new instrument being used by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) to measure stream discharge and velocities, and bathymetry....





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