Scour Retrofit Case Studies for Arizona
Scour retrofit involves a coordinated analysis and joint determination of action by several engineering disciplines: typically, geotechnical, hydraulic and structural engineering. The...

Innovations and Practical Procedures for Hydraulic Model Applications in Bridge Scour Evaluations
Procedures for data conversion, and establishment of downstream boundary conditions for a hydraulic computer model for estimation of riverbed scour at bridges are presented. The data conversion...

Practical Comparison of One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Analyses for Bridge Scour
The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, Department of Highways is working with the Indiana Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration to plan, design, and construct...

Model Study of Local Scour Downstream Bridge Piers
A deep scour hole downstream of a large circular pier has been developed at Imbaba bridge, which is considered one of the major bridges across the Nile River in Cairo, Egypt. At that location...

Effect of Fenders on Local Pier Scour
Physical model experiments were performed in the Hydraulics and Sediment Research Institute, Delta Barrage, Egypt, to determine the effect of fenders on the scour depth around circular...

Scour at a Bridge Over the Weldon River, Iowa
Contraction scour at the State Highway 2 bridge over the Weldon River in south-central Iowa was caused by a flood of record proportions on September 14 and 15, 1992. The peak discharge...

Measurement of Bridge Scour at the SR-32 Crossing of the Sacramento River at Hamilton City, California, 1987-92
A study of the State Route 32 crossing of the Sacramento River near Hamilton City, California, is being made to determine those channel and bridge factors that contribute to scour at the...

Estimating Bridge Scour in New York from Historical U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow Measurements
Historical streamflow measurements by the U.S. Geological Survey an bridge-inspection reports by the New York State Department of Transportation are being used to estimate scour at 31...

Relation of Local Scour to Hydraulic Properties at Selected Bridges in New York
Hydraulic properties, bridge geometry, and basin characteristics at 31 bridges in New York are being investigated to identify factors that affect local scour. Streambed elevations measured...

Overmining Causes Undermining(It's a Mad Mad River)
Instream aggregate mining has caused significant problems and expense to California bridges. Riverbed degradation on the order of 3-5 m (9-15 ft) beneath waterway crossings within actively...

Bridge Scour Prediction Methods Applicable to Streams in Pennsylvania
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, PennDOT, currently owns or maintains in excess of 28,000 bridges over 8 feet in length. The most common type of damage sustained by these...

Evaluation of an Existing Scour Hole at the Castleton Bridge, a Tidal Crossing
Several fathometric surveys conducted in recent years showed a large depression or scour hole on the downstream southeast corner of the central pier of the Castleton Bridge over the Hudson...

Development of Bridge-Scour Instrumentation for Inspection and Maintenance Personnel
Inspecting bridges and monitoring scour during high flow can improve public transportation safety by providing early identification of scour and stream stability problems at bridges. Most...

Using Geophysical Data to Assess Scour Development
The development of scour holes in the Connecticut River near the new Baldwin Bridge has been documented by comparing geophysical records collected before (1989), during (1990), and after...

Local Scour Measurements at Bridge Piers in Alberta
A summary of local pier scour data collected by Alberta Transportation and Utilities (AT & U) over the past 30 years is presented. Several methods used to gather this data are...

Instrumentation for Detailed Bridge-Scour Measurements
A portable instrumentation system is being developed to obtain channel bathymetry during floods for detailed bridge-scour measurements. Portable scour measuring systems have four components:...

Local Scour at Bridge Piers in Alberta?Case History
A two span steel truss bridge with a rectangular concrete central pier was built over the Oldman River near Brocket in south-west Alberta in 1954. Initially the bridge was built square...

Probability of Bridge Failure Due to Scouring
Models to estimate depth of scour at bridge piers and abutments are available in many forms,but all of them are based on constant discharges. Their results vary widely and engineering...

Uncertainty of Bridge Scour Estimates
Pier scour is the erosion of a streambed in the vicinity of bridge pier foundations. In this paper, fuzzy regression is used to develop two pier scour models, one based on crisp laboratory...

Evaluation of Historical Scour at Selected Stream Crossings in Indiana
Geophysical data were collected by means of ground-penetrating radar and tuned transducer systems to estimate the historical scour at ten bridges in Indiana. These geophysical data were...





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