Soil Improvement
A Ten Year Update
Since the publication of Soil Improvement?History, Capabilities and Outlook after the Annual ASCE convention in Philadelphia in 1976, a dramatic growth in certain soil improvement techniques...

Spanning the Seas
A proposed structural scheme, called the V�tower system, could cross vast stretches of water with record length spans yet use only conventional materials. An example is a bridge proposed...

Coastal Sediments
The two-volume Proceedings of Coastal Sediments '87 contain more than 150 full papers delivered at a specialty technical conference of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Remote Sensing of Estuaries and Tide-Dominated Coastal Processes
The recent appearance of low-cost microcomputers with user-friendly software for analyzing satellite imagery is including more estuarine investigators to use satellite data. High resolution...

Simulation of Sediment Transport in Coastal Water
The sediment-contaminant transport code, FETRA, coupled with the hydrodynamic model, CAFE-I; and the wave refraction model, L03D; were applied to Pacific coastal water. The FETRA model...

Sea Level Rise and Estuarine Processes
The impacts of the projected sea level rise due to the greenhouse effect on the tidal hydraulics and the longitudinal and vertical distribution of the suspended sediment and salinity in...

Significance of Mean Water Level Response in Bays
The occurrence of a net hydraulic head, or superelevation, is a basic feature of bays. It is generated by inlet-bay response to natural forcing. The effects of bottom friction and Stokes...

Effect of Atmospheric Forcing on Tide Propagation
This paper presents computations and observations indicating that nonlinear interaction with wind waves and subtidal sea level changes can change estuarine motion in the tidal frequency...

The Briny Deep Comes Ashore
Amusement park attractions are not all fun and games. More than 10 years of planning by dozens of firms went into the Living Seas Pavilion at Walt Disney's Epcot Center. The...

An Application of EPA EXTRAN Model to a Flood Management Study in South Florida
In performing the flood management studies, somewhat unique concerns in South Florida are the backwater conditions due to tidal or non-tidal tailwater, flow reversals from project canal...

On the Performance of a Wave Power Converter
This paper presents the KN-principle for wave - power conversion. The principle and components of the wave power converter are described and some practical relations are presented in order...

Salmon Restoration: Blessing, Bane or Boondoggle?
The 'strategic' plans for the Atlantic Salmon Restoration Program were examined to determine what the strategy of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is for this...

Drilling Unit Approval and Sea Ice, Alaska OCS
This paper describes types of ice conditions that have been, or could be, encountered while conducting Alaska Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) operations. The types of ice monitoring programs,...

Iceberg Impact Load on a Gravity Based Structure
The mechanics of the eccentric collision of an iceberg against a fixed, rigid, gravity based structure are discussed. A closed form solution is derived for the case of infinite friction...

Design Evaluations in Support of Offshore Facilities and Gravel Islands in the Arctic
Development of oil resources in Northern Alaska has involved the design of nearshore and offshore facilities and structures in the Beaufort Sea and Prudhoe Bay in water depths ranging...

Testing of Admixtures for Seabed Strengthening
Samples from several offshore soil borings in an area of the Beaufort Sea were subjected to laboratory testing to determine the applicability of this method. The soils were mixed with...

Ice Cover Research?Present State and Future Needs
Presentation reviews, at first, a number of problem areas in ice engineering, such as the determination of vertical and horizontal forces floating ice covers exert on fixed structures,...

Developing a Community Water System for Shishmaref, Alaska
This paper discusses a unique water supply system for the City of Shishmaref, a moderately sized Alaska Native community on Sarichef Island in the Chukchi Sea. A three million gallon reservoir...

Effluent Dispersion Measurements Under Sea Ice
Field measurements of the dispersion of effluent from the Seawater Treatment Plant (STP) at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, were made during April 1985. The primary objective was to determine whether...

Strengthening Alaskan Beaufort Sea Soils with Portland Cement
Preliminary studies undertaken to assess the feasibility of utilizing gravity structures on soft arctic silts indicate that the available foundation capacity are insufficient. Therefore...





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