Combination of Cobble and Sill Controls Erosion
Two types of erosion controls that have had their own successes separately - cobble beach nourishment and a modular previous sill - were deployed in a successful combination to protect...

Utilization of Islands Off an Urban Waterfront: The Case of Singapore
The major oil refineries of Singapore are located on the Bukom and the Ayer Chawan groups of islands. Other southern islands have been exclusively developed for tourist and recreational...

Jean Lafitte's Real Legacy and Treasure
The Barataria Estuarine System is part of the Mississippi River which swept back and forth across Louisiana for thousands of years. Barataria Bay no longer receives the enrichment of the...

Sea Level Changes: A Corps of Engineers Perspective
The purpose of this discussion paper is to review current Corps of Engineers policy in relation to a possible significant increase in general sea level. A significant relative sea level...

Influence on the Extension of Ondarroa Harbor on Adjacent Beaches
The present article deals with the analysis of the influence of the different Ondarroa Harbour extensions on the adjacent beaches by using a semi-movable model test. These model tests...

Massachusetts Marine Lakes Restoration Program (abstract)
The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Quality Engineering, Division of Water Pollution Control, administers the state's Clean Lakes and Great Ponds Program. The program,...

Athens Siphon and Outfall
More than 130 million gallons of untreated domestic and industrial wastewater are discharged each day into the sea near Athens. To mitigate this situation, the government of Greece is...

Sand Rights, a Legal System to Protect the Shores of the Sea
The legal system of water rights in California is highly developed. So far, however, it has failed to recognize in any comprehensive fashion the importance of the sand which is transported...

Monitoring of Coastal Environment for its Management
The paper briefly explains the features of four coastal laboratories established along the southwest coast of India in 1980 and the data gathered by them during 1980-84. Four coastal piers...

Design and Performance of Earth-Lined Containment Systems
Engineers have been designing and constructing earthen containment structures for many tens of years. These structures have historically been embankment dams, petroleum storage impoundments,...

Vertical Barriers in Soil for Pollution Containment
Vertical barriers have evolved over the past fifteen years into a technique that is widely applied to restrict the underground movement of liquid wastes and polluted groundwater. Most...

Movement of Nonaqueous Liquids in Groundwater
Evidence from field sites indicates that when nonaqueous liquids, such as organic solvents and gasoline, are released into the subsurface environment they tend to remain as a separate...

Waste Concentration Effects of Grout Barriers
Great concern has developed over hazardous waste sites, particularly in the leaching of the hazardous wastes into groundwater supplies. Many sites that are considered contaminated and...

Stabilized Fly Ash for Use as Low-Permeability Barriers
Two class F fly ashes from power stations located in West Virginia were stabilized by adding various percentages (by weight) of either lime or cement. Test specimens were subjected to...

Effect of Permeameter and Leachate on a Clay Liner
Hydraulic conductivity tests were performed on a natural clay liner material using leachate from an active Type II landfill. Comparative tests were conducted using flexible wall permeameters,...

Flow and Mass Transport for Hazardous Waste Liners
Certain aspects of flow and contaminant migration of hazardous liquids through soils are addressed. A fine-grained soil and fluids commonly encountered in hazardous sites, were considered....

Design and Performance Monitoring of Clay-Lined Landfills
The use of thick clay liners has been applied to Wisconsin landfills for over a decade. Currently, there are over 35 solid waste disposal facilities in Wisconsin which have been constructed...

Influential Factors in Soil Liner Construction for Waste Disposal Facilities
Those factors most influential in the construction of a soil liner to meet a permeability performance standard of 1 multiplied by 10-7 centimeters per second (cm/sec) are identified and...

Automated Permit Review for Hazardous Waste Surface Impoundments
The United States Environmental Protection Agency has proposed to develop automated permit review for RCRA hazardous waste surface impoundment facilities. The review automation will consist...

The Effects of Brine Contamination on the Properties of Fine Grained Soils
Laboratory tests have been performed to investigate the effects of brine contamination on grain size distribution, relative density, liquid and plastic limits, hydraulic conductivity,...





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