Functional Specifications of a Distributed Engineering Data Management System
The development of a large-scale engineering data management system is outlined for AEC industries. Described are the outline specifications and basic design decisions used to implement...

Database Management
Computer aided design systems have found widespread acceptance from Engineering companies as drafting/detailing/drawing tools. While this has brought a dramatic productivity improvement...

Toward Interactive Color-Shaded Rendering in CAD
A software package (CATSIG) is described which allows the user to interactively color shade geometric objects created on a sophisticated commercial CAD system (CATIA). The novel features...

Relational Model for Computer Analysis and Design
One of the most critical elements in engineering analysis and design is data management. Relational database systems have been proven to be an excellent tool for managing the voluminous...

Advanced Graphical CAD System for 3D Steel Frames
An innovative, advanced graphical computer-aided design system, called STEEL-3D, is described. The main objective of this program is to provide the engineer with all the tools necessary...

Automated Analysis Model Generation
The state of development of the capabilities needed to automatically link the geometric definition of a CAD system to finite element analysis is discussed. Areas considered include fully...

Trends in Computerization in the Eighties
This paper addresses trends in computer-aided productivity tools for Civil Engineers in the eighties. Certain aspects of the past history, present status, and future of CAD/CAM and CAE...

Water for Resource Development
The primary goal of these proceedings is to provide an awareness of the many areas of resource development in which hydraulic engineering plays a key role. The papers cover a variety of...

Selecting an Economical Water Main Rehab
Many miles of aging water mains exist with carrying capacities that are less than half of what they were when new. Engineers must, therefore, stretch every dollar to eliminate deposits...

Systems for Reducing Sedimentation in Berthing Facilities
Five systems are described which can be used to reduce sedimentation in harbor berthing areas. These systems, which are alternatives to conventional dredging, are based on either the resuspension...

Thalweg Disposal: Demonstration of an Alternative
Disposal of dredged material in the main channel, or thalweg, is an alternative disposal option for maintenance dredging. The material dredged from the Upper Mississippi River is clean...

Open Water Disposal for Marsh Creation James River, VA
There is a need for close cooperation between design and construction of levees on soft foundation for containing dredge material. The scope of this study included marine exploration,...

Environmental Considerations of Thalweg Disposal
Disposal of dredged material in the thalweg or deepest portion of the Upper Mississippi River is one of several disposal alternatives that can be utilized. Aside from the mechanical/cost...

Impacts of an Overboard Disposal Operation
The objective of this study was to establish an acceptable dredge disposal site which would be physically and environmentally suitable for periodic use over the 50-year project life of...

Mississippi River Fairview Crossing Test
To improve estimates of shoaling rates in the crossings of a deep draft channel from New Orleans to Baton Rouge, a prototype test was conducted in Fairview Crossing at Mile 116 above Head...

Deep River Study - Lower Mississippi River
The current local/federal stalemate over project funding for major dredging projects has deterred U. S. ports in benefiting from the economies inherent in the use of deep-draft ships....

Marsh Creation Impacts - Mississippi River Delta
Significant conversion of marsh to open water is occurring in the Mississippi River Delta. Evidence is presented that marsh is more valuable to fish and wildlife resources than open water;...

Computer Models for Dredged Material Disposal Planning
Short term and long term planning for the disposal of dredged material can be significantly enhanced using state-of-the-art computer modeling. Computerized mathematical models can be constructed...

The National Dredging Data Management System
The ADDAMS computer program is a collection of user-friendly computer models for planning, designing and managing confined disposal areas. Models which can be used to determine the size...

Toxic Contaminant Uptake in Dredged Sediment Marshes
Dredged sediments from the proposed enlargement of the Lower Mississippi River from Venice, Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico would be primarily utilized to create up to 28,000 hectares...





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