Application of Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Models at a Superfund Site in Montana
The water quality model applied to the site is the EPA-supported hydrodynamic and water quality model WASP4 with a modification to enable it to better simulate riverine systems. To provide...

The Colorado River Simulation System
The Colorado River Simulation System (CRSS) is a comprehensive computer tool designed to assist water resource managers in long-range planning and management of the Colorado River Basin....

An Analytical Solution to Verify a Nonlinear Tidal Circulation Model
The governing equations for this study are the shallow water equations including convective terms. Oscillations of free surface are assumed important in comparison to the total water depth....

Implementation of a Hydrodynamic Model for the Upper Potomac Estuary
A vertically integrated, two-dimensional hydrodynamic/transport model has been implemented for the upper extent of the Potomac Estuary between Indian Head and Morgantown, Md. The model...

A Branched Hydrodynamic Model of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California
A new and efficient hydrodynamic model is used to simulate flows in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California. The model solves the one-dimensional shallow water equations for flow...

An Ongoing Investigation of Residual Suspended Material Transport in Central San Francisco Bay, CA
A study of suspended material transport in San Francisco Bay, California, is presently underway by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This paper describes preliminary numerical model and...

Comparison of Tenn-V and TR-55 on TVA Watersheds
The storm hydrograph simulation models TENN-V and TR-55 were compared as to their respective abilities to reproduce 468 storms observed on 54 watersheds. TR-55 did not represent the Tennessee...

Experience with Cavitation in High Pressure Slide Gates
The Bureau of Reclamation has many years of experience in the design and operation of high pressure slide gates. This paper discusses the historical use of high pressure slide gates by...

Design, Construction and Testing of Repairs to the Low Level Outlets at Terzaghi Dam
Operation of the low level outlets (LLOs) at Terzaghi Dam in southwestern British Columbia resulted in severe cavitation at operating heads significantly lower than design. Modifications...

Handling of Intake Bulkhead at King Talal Dam
During raising of King Talal Dam in Jordan in 1986, the existing intake wheel gate provided at the inlet of the project Low Level Outlet Works (LLOW) tunnel was found inadequate to withstand...

Effect of Errors in Rainfall Measurements on Real-Time Forecasting Via On-Line Conceptual Models
The paper analyzes the issue of the choice between off-line and on-line use of lumped conceptual models for real-time flood forecasting. The effects of the adaptive use in the presence...

Spatial and Temporal Variations of Precipitation Effects on Storm Hydrographs
A partial area, variable source hydrologic rainfall runoff model, called MAPHYD, was developed utilizing digital maps, interactive computer graphics and several infiltration mechanisms....

Radar Rainfall Measurements and Runoff Forecasting
Rainfall varies in intensity and depth over time and space. Weather radar systems can provide estimates of rainfall at points in space with nearly continuous coverage with respect to time....

Model-Prototype Comparison of the Bay Springs Lock, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Mississippi
A comprehensive prototype evaluation of the Bay Springs Lock, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, Mississippi, was conducted by the Hydraulics Laboratory, Waterways Experiment Station (WES)....

Model Study of New Bonneville Lock
The filling and emptying system of the New Bonneville Lock was designed by the US Army Engineer District, Portland. The lock will be 86 ft wide by 675 ft long, with a design lift of 69.5...

Model Study of Potential Debris Problems at the Proposed Diversion of Clover Fork River, Harlan, Kentucky
A study was conducted at the Waterways Experiment Station in Vicksburg, Mississippi, using a physical and a numerical model, to evaluate the entrance conditions at a proposed tunnel diversion...

Hydraulics of Side-Channel Weirs for Regional Detention Basins
Side-channel weirs can be used for diversion to reduce flood peaks. A 1:25 scale model was built to investigate the hydraulic characteristics of embankment-shaped side-channel weirs. Results...

Hydraulic Model and Prototype Experience on Old River Overbank Structure
Physical hydraulic model tests of the Old River overbank structure were conducted to investigate the hydraulic performance of the stilling basin and evaluate riprap stability and scour...

Extreme Flood Probability Estimates in Practice
Selecting the safety design flood for a dam or siting structures where flooding would cause severe social or economic disruption requires balancing the likelihood and consequences of failure...

Hydrologic Implications of Global Warming on Water Resources in California
The possible effects of climate change on the water resources of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Basin, as predicted by general circulation models (GCM's) were evaluated...





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