Studies in an Unproductive Coastal Lagoon in South Texas: A Case Against One-Time Sampling for Environmental Assessments
This study illustrates the problems inherent in attempting to write an environmental assessment based on inadequate or misleading data. Results can be biased against environmental preservation...

Coastal Resource Management: The Ecosystem Perspective
A definite need exists to generate coastal management strategies that focus upon integration of the complex interactions between biological, physical, chemical, and geological processes...

Sonoma County: Success Story of California's Coastal Development
The Sea Ranch second home development, agricultural and timber land preservation, the need for better commercial fishing facilities, and recreational and visual access to the coast were...

Special Management Area Planning in Mississippi's Coastal Zone: The Port Bienville Experience
In Mississippi, the key state agency charged with the responsibility for coastal wetland protection is the Bureau of Marine Resources, a sub-division of the Department of Wildlife Conservation....

Bristol Bay Regional Planning: An Oil Industry Perspective
The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) specified the preparation of a Bristol Bay Cooperative Management Plan (BBCMP) - a joint effort of the State of Alaska and...

The Recovery of Monterey Bay Beaches After the Winter Storms of 1982-83
The El Nino conditions of 1982 and 1983 produced unusually frequent and intense storms along the central California coast. These storms produced much greater than normal beach erosion...

Ebb-Tidal Deltas and Barrier Island Morphology
Offshore depositional features such as ebb-tidal deltas may have significant and perhaps controlling influence on barrier island morphology. These features serve three primary functions....

Geological Processes and Conservation Management Strategies for Barrier Islands of the Virginia Coast Reserve
A barrier island is a sandy deposit that is located immediately offshore and parallels a mainland coast. It is the principal environment of six interactive environments that make up the...

Estuary-Wide Mitigation Options for Port Development in Tampa Bay, Florida
The need for a regional strategy to address the environmental problems resulting from port development in Tampa Bay was recognized as important for the improvement and protection of the...

Application of Estuarine Habitat Models in Alabama
The development of quantitative impact assessment methods over the past decade has improved our ability to identify environmental losses and recommend appropriate compensation measures...

Community Succession Modeling for Resource Management
The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is implementing community succession models to forecast the impacts of altered hydrological regimes on forested floodplains and coastal marshes. A pilot...

Mitigating Environmental Losses Through Project Planning
A significant amount of industry effort goes into project planning prior to preparation and submission of a permit application. Baseline studies are conducted, including preparation of...

Petroleum Development in Louisiana's Coastal Zone
The most intense petroleum development activity in the nation's coastal area has been concentrated in Louisiana. Most of Louisiana's production has occurred in...

Oil Platforms as Reefs: Oil and Fish CAN Mix
Offshore oil and gas production platforms function as excellent artificial reefs, providing a hard substrate for corals, bivalves and other sessile animals, as well as food and shelter...

Modification of the Sedimentary Environment During Construction of the Hart-Miller Island Diked Disposal Facility
The state of Maryland contracted for the construction of a diked disposal facility. Research investigations were conducted to assess the impact of the dike construction on the environment...

Louisiana's Joint Public Notice System
The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Division (CMD) implemented the Joint Public Notice System (JPNS), a cooperative agreement with the United States Army,...

An Update on Corps of Engineers Activities Along the California Coast
Preservation of shorelines around the nation has assumed dramatic importance for the Corps of Engineers and is exemplified by the early attention focused on California's beaches....

Atlantic Striped Bass Conservation Act: Unconstitutional Amendment of an Interstate Compact?
The striped bass (Morone saxatilis), a popular and valuable resource which migrates through eastern coastal waters from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada, has experienced serious decline in...

Hazard Mitigation Efforts in the Ocean City, Maryland Area
During a low frequency storm event, there is a considerable hazard along the bay shoreline of Ocean City as a result of high water flowing back over the barrier toward the ocean. The purpose...

A New Approach to Coastal Management: Britain's Heritage Coasts
In 1970, a new concept of countryside management called 'Heritage Coasts' was introduced into Great Britain by the Countryside Commission, a branch of Government....





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