Riprap Stability in Channel Bends
A systematic test series is underway in a large test channel to define the stability of riprap on the outer bank of channel bends. A 'practical equilibrium' concept...

Groins and Vanes Developed Basing Upon a New Concept of Bank Protection
At curved bends, scour at the outer bank always accompanies deposition at the inner bank. A highly efficient river course for flood flow is considered to have a small lateral gradient...

Estuarine Mud Flow Modeling
This paper presents a model for the simulation of selective withdrawal of estuarine mud. This research is part of the investigation of the design of a mud pumping plant as an alternative...

Numerical Model Studies of Wetland Hydraulics for Bolsa Bay, California
The Bolsa Bay area, near Los Angeles, presently consists of three distinct regions separated by two sets of culverts. A development is being considered, in which a balance between housing...

Beach Erosion Protection Methods: Case Study of Dar City Tanzania
Coastal Tanzania has been experiencing severe beach erosion. Beach erosion is much felt in coastal cities like Dar es Salaam, Tanga etc. Beach erosion in Dar es Salaam has caused damage...

Improved Numerical Analysis of Steady Water Surface Profiles
As well as HEC-2 and similar models serve the profession, problems exist with their application. In general, inflexibility of use and inaccuracies around transitions between subcritical...

Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Jump
Boussinesq equations describing one-dimensional unsteady, rapidly varied flows are numerically integrated by using a second-order and a fourth-order accurate explicit finite-difference...

State-of-the-Art Report: Mexico
Design recommendations for groins and spur dikes are presented. For groins the most important ones are: to build them with sloping crests, orientated downstream and maximum spacing of...

Relief of an Urban Storm Drainage System
The Peaks Branch storm sewer system was designed in the 1930s to drain 5.7 square miles of East Dallas. Subsequently, development blocked the emergency overflow paths and many areas are...

Closed Conduit Vapor Lock
Closed conduit vapor lock can occur when a cross country liquid pipeline is displaced with a gas and the gas is allowed to get ahead of the liquid/gas interface. A simple hydraulic model...

Analysis of Storm Sewers During Surcharge
A mathematical model based on a lumped system approach is presented to simulate unsteady flow in storm sewers during surcharge. The model equations and method of solution are presented....

Plans for National Flood Frequency by Microcomputer
Work is underway on a planned microcomputer program that will include about 1500 prediction equations for 214 flood regions of the United States and Puerto Rico. The program will include...

Groundwater Monitoring Network Design Using Coupled Monte Carlo Simulation and Optimization
This paper presents a method for the design, under uncertainty, of a groundwater well network for compliance monitoring at a waste disposal site. A numerical model of contaminant transport...

A Real-time Approach to Groundwater Monitoring, Prediction, and Remediation
This paper outlines a integrated approach to the problem of predicting and controlling groundwater contamination. The key to this approach is to derive contaminant predictions by combining...

Verification of Local Modes in a Two-Dimensional Tidal Model
Based on a generalized model equation, a two-dimensional hybrid finite element model has been developed to study tidal waves of incompressible, homogeneous fluid in rotational flows. In...

Convergence Experiments with a Hydrodynamic Model of Port Royal Sound, South Carolina
A two-demensional, depth-averaged, finite-difference, flow/transport model, SIM2D, is being used to simulate tidal circulation and transport in the Port Royal Sound, South Carolina, estuarine...

Validation and Intercomparison of Three-Dimensional Numerical Models of Estuarine and Lake Hydrodynamics
Three-dimensional numerical models have been developed and used to study the circulation and transport of water quality parameters in estuaries and lakes. This paper discusses two important...

The Use of Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models Based on GIS at Different Scales of Information
The effects of spatial variability of soil type and land use on basin response are investigated. This is modelled thorugh a distributed approach specifically designed for calibration from...

SWMM Application in Indian River County, Florida
The EPA's Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to simulate drainage canal system network within Indian River County, Florida. Runoff and Extran module of the PCSWMM...

Modeling Variations in Soil Moisture and Streamflow Resulting from Climatic and Land Use Changes
A distributed parameter watershed model IWASCH has been developed to simulate variation in soil moisture and baseflow conditions for agricultural areas in Illinois, resulting from climatic...





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