Transport and Communications Information System for Africa
The Transport and Communications Information System for Africa (TCISA) is a customized microcomputer-based prototype information system for planning transportation and communications in...
Validating Expert System Prototypes Using the Turing Test
This paper describes the Turing Test technique to formalize the expert system validation process using a mature microcomputer based prototype expert system that has been developed to perform...
Improving the Graphical Interface in Transportation Planning Software
This paper examines the general issues that drive the development of graphics as a medium for transportation planners. Transportation planning has changed over time, and so has the nature,...
Methodology for Determining Vehicle Usage and Speeds for Mobile Source Emissions Inventories
This paper was published by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments to document its work in preparing data from its regional road model for input into a computer emissions inventory...
Integration of a Traffic Noise Model and AutoCAD
TrafficNoiseCAD represents a new approach to noise analysis and barrier design by integrating file creation for the FHWA STAMINA 2.0 noise prediction program with interactive graphical...
An Expert System for Stop-Controlled Intersection Design
In 1915, the first stop sign was installed in Detroit, Michigan, but until now, there was still no one coordinated body of knowledge which would dictate design and analysis requirements....
Tutorial on Computer-Aided Design
These tutorial sessions are designed to provide a basic introduction to the use of Computer-Aided Design/Drafting (CAD) in transportation engineering, with particular regard to Civil Engineering...
Trip Generation Analysis by Artificial Neural Networks
A new approach for conducting trip generation analysis based on the concepts of artificial neural networks is presented in this paper. First, a brief introduction to the concepts of artificial...
The Use of Linked Spreadsheets as a Transportation Problem Solving Tool
Spreadsheet modeling is a useful tool for business as well as engineering applications. Until the advent of linked spreadsheets this type of modeling was based on the concept of preparing...
A Peak Hour High Capacity Reservation and Person-Based Functional Classification Concept for Urban Mobility Plans and Corridor Growth Management
The management of future growth and mobility in urban corridors and areas has been based in part upon use of the Levels of Service and procedures of the Highway Capacity Manual. Capacity...
A CADD Program for Simulating Turning Vehicles
The turning capability of one or more 'design' vehicles and their swept paths has a significant influence on the layout of transportation facilities such as roadway intersections, parking...
Technical Evaluations Necessary for Determining Site Suitability for a High-Level Waste Repository
Congress, under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, as amended, has charged the Department of Energy with the responsibility for safely and permanently disposing of high-level radioactive...
Regulatory Views on Seismic and Fault-Displacement Parameters Needed for a Geologic Repository Design
This paper presents the regulatory views of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff on some of the significant issues related to the seismic and faulting design of a geologic repository....
An Overview of Analysis and Regulatory Needs to Determine Seismic Loads for Design of a High-Level Waste Geologic Repository
Determination of seismic loads and faulting hazard for siting, design and performance evaluation of a high-level nuclear waste repository facility can be accomplished with state-of-knowledge...
Performance Goal Based Seismic Design Criteria for High Level Waste Repository Facilities
This paper proposes a set of deterministic seismic design and evaluation criteria based upon a specified probabilistic seismic performance goal for High Level Waste Repository (HLWR) facilities....
Assessment of the Potential for Tectonic Fault Rupture for High-Level Nuclear Waste Repositories
Active faults that extend to or near the Earth's surface may threaten the safety of engineered structures. The threat can be mitigated by appropriate siting and design, which requires...
Probabilistic Analysis of Faulting Associated with Earthquakes for Nuclear Waste Repositories
The probabilistic analysis of seismogenic faulting follows the same general methodology as the more common seismic hazard analysis for shaking. The main difference lies in the influence...
Tectonic Characterization of a Potential High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada
Tectonic characterization of a potential high-level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is needed to assess seismic and possible volcanic hazards that could affect the...
Geometric Models of Faulting at Yucca Mountain
Yucca Mountain, Nevada, is currently being studied as a potential site for a geologic repository of high-level radioactive waste. Alternative conceptual tectonic models are expected to...
Probabilistic Seismic Design Considerations for a High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository
Earthquakes in the vicinity of an underground high-level waste (HLW) repository have potential effects that must be estimated during the design of the facility. The production facilities...
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