An Optimization Model for Use in Analysis and Design of Wastewater Treatment Systems
The objective of present wastewater treatment plant design is to provide a cost effective processing system for a given waste-water. Generally each of the unit processes is designed to...

Policy Screening Models for Water Supply Operation
It is possible to characterize the real time, short term operation of a metropolitan water supply system - including the surface and groundwater sources, treatment and pumping facilities,...

Flow and Sediment Transport in Curved Channels with Nonuniform Bed Material
Described is a scheme for controlling the exchange of grain sizes between bed and bed load in a curved alluvial channel. The scheme is an integral part of a model for simulating spatial...

Taming a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The use of a conventional network analysis computer program as an effective evaluation tool for routine operation of an existing water distribution system has several practical limitations...

Automated Control for Central Arizona Project Distribution Systems
Computer based automatic control for three extensive open channel water distribution systems is described. Radio telemetry allows a central computer to execute control logic at individual...

Algorithms for Automatic Control of Diversion Dams
The application of local automatic control for the releases from a diversion dam that has intermittent river inflow is limited. For this case, it is better to install a remote monitoring...

Trash Busters ? A Comparison of Screening Structures for Irrigation Systems
Several irrigation districts in the Pacific Northwest have recently installed screening structures for use in removal of trash from canals, rivers, or reservoirs. Some of the screens have...

Water Supply and Sewage Disposal: Shanghai, China
This paper describes a joint research effort which took place between the Shanghai Bureau of Environmental Protection, Tsinghua University (Beijing), and the University of Michigan. The...

Technology Transfer: Consultants and Counterparts
The results of an investigation into the transfer of technical knowledge between and among foreign consultants and their host country counterparts at two large-scale development projects...

Analysis of Freshwater Distribution System at the Long Beach Naval Complex
This account of the evaluation of freshwater pipelines at California's Long Beach Naval Complex discusses current methods for assessing the condition of damaged water lines....

Utopia Under Glass
We stand within sight of the day when our reserves of fossils fuel will be inadequate to maintain the type of energy inefficient cities we have grown used to. This exercise in urban planning...

Highway Infrastructure
Opportunities for Innovation
Our national commitment to financing the rebuilding of America's highway intrastructure represents a very expensive, long term investment. The challenge facing highway engineers...

Contractor, Businessman
The management side of running a construction firm is as important to its survival and growth as the technical activities. This article tells how a Cincinnati geotechnical contractor,...

Irrigation and Groundwater Quality in the South
Impact of irrigation trend, water table fluctuations, crop management, and tillage systems on groundwater quantity and quality of the southeast (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina)...

Geotechnical Construction Control Data Base Package
A data base can be defined as pieces or groups of data stored together in an orderly form such that access to all or any part of the data can be readily accomplished. A computerized data...

Project Cost Control for Heavy Equipment
Some concepts and methods of project cost control for heavy equipment have been defined, which include methods, effectiveness, outside repairs, and the resulting management information,...

Financial Development for Projects
An important element in the total package of Bechtel's engineering and construction services is the financing and commercial assistance offered in support of our client's...

Total Cost Purchase Options Buy vs Lease vs Rental Conversion Cash Flow Analysis
Today's financing alternatives are very complex and sometimes difficult to comprehend. The combined effect of the slow economy and uncertain future workload has accelerated...

Alternative Methods for Payment of Construction Equipment Ownership Costs on Federally Funded Projects
Construction equipment investment is a significant portion of the capital investment for contractors specializing in heavy construction. Operating this equipment under the changes clause...

Financial Statement Impact of the Rent/Lease/Buy Decision for Contractors using Heavy Equipment
Contractors with substantial equipment requirements must carefully weigh all of the quantitative and qualitative factors related to how they finance their equipment. Certain of these factors...





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