Maryland's Critical Area Program: Saving the Bay
Maryland's Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Protection Program (also referred to as the Critical Area Law, Subtitle 18 of the Natural Resources Article, Sections 8-1801 through...

Translating Science for Coastal Decisionmaking
A uniform process of technical information assembly and application has been conducted for six major estuarine systems in Florida. Since 1976, local and regional coastal resource decisions...

Estuarine Management?The Indian River Lagoon
Estuarine systems have become recognized and valued for their economic, recreational and aesthetic appeal. There has been a concerted effort on national, regional, state and local levels...

Estuarine Rehabilitation?A Management Perspective
This paper discusses a proposed methodology consistent with proven management techniques that is derived, in part, by a critical analysis of currently published techniques and approaches....

Long-term Goals of Osaka Port Improvement Project
Space in cities formed on coastal plains can be easily expanded by reclamation in Japan. Osaka Port, the waterfront of City of Osaka, has always supported the economic activities of the...

Environmental Impacts of Arctic Marine Transportation: Addressing the Issues through Research and the Provision of Advice
The prospect of numerous transits of the Canadian Northwest Passage and other northern waters by icebreaking tankers raises various environmental issues. This paper reviews the growth...

Marine Safety, the Marine Environment, and MSIS
The Marine Safety Information System (MSIS) serves as a management information system for the allocation of increasingly scarce coast guard (CG) resources. Its large, central data base...

Safety Improvement Planning of Port and Harbour Facilities Considering Captains' Refuge Action Criteria
Since the Jane Typhoon in 1950, which induced much damages on port and harbour facilities and the ships in the ports, it has been a custom in Japan that the large-sized ships take refuge...

NOAA Weather Radio: The Source of Weather Information 24 Hours a Day
Weather plays an important role in the day to day affairs of coastal communities. The timely and accurate receipt of weather information is critical, especially during inclement conditions....

Coastal Project Solution, Conservancy-Style
During the past decade, the California State Coastal Conservancy has evolved a successful approach to resolving coastal land use conflicts through its many coastal projects. This non-regulatory,...

Use of a Geographic Information System as a Tool for Making Land Use Management Decisions for Coastal Wetlands in a State Regulatory Program
The Coastal Management Division of the Louisiana Department of Natural Resources is responsible for protecting and managing activities which occur in wetlands. As a tool for making decisions...

Coastal Structures and Long Term Shore Migration
Marco Island is a barrier island located on Florida's Gulf coast. Using an aerial photo time series from 1926 to 1981, shoreline migration is examined. Since shore development...

Restoration of Fisheries Habitat: A Legislative Proposal
There are numerous federal, state, and local laws related to the conservation of coastal habitats. Nevertheless, these valuable resources continue to be degraded and destroyed. One result...

Recent Legal Developments under the Coastal Zone Management Act
The experiment in federal-state cooperation for management of the area known as the coastal zone is generally working well fifteen years after the enactment of the Coastal Zone Management...

Federal Consistency: Facts and Fantasies
The federal consistency provisions at Section 307 of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 (the CZMA, Pub. Law 92-583, as amended) require, in general, that federal agencies act in a...

Protecting the Reservation Environment Under the Coastal Zone Management Act
Current federal law and practice does not provide direction for the development of Indian tribal coastal zone management programs. The relationship between state, federal and tribal governments...

Secretary of Interior v. California
The issue of whether Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) lease sales were subject to consistency review under section 307(c) (1) of the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA) was the focus of litigation...

Federalism and Federal Consistency: The State Perspective
Since 1972, an effective federal-state partnership has been operating to manage our nation's coastal resources under the Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA). But the federal...

The Life Cycle of a CERC: 1963-1983
Anticipating new opportunities in the coastal zone and convinced that basic research would be the means to secure them, in 1963 the United States Army Corps of Engineers created an independent...

Construction of Fisherman's Wharf Breakwater
The San Francisco District of the United States Army Corps of Engineers recently completed construction of a breakwater at Fisherman's Wharf. The construction, completed ahead...





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