Geographic Information Systems for Highway/Sign Maintenance
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can be a key element toward achieving improved management of all transportation facilities for municipal and state Departments of Transportation (DOT)...
Using GIS to Define and Develop TAZ Data
GIS permits users to geographically display database information. It also can provide a common link between two or more previously unrelated databases. Increasingly, these capabilities...
Use of Geographic Information System for Transportation Data Analysis
Origin-destination (O-D) survey data have been usually applied to identify travel characteristics for transportation planning activities. Travel forecasting models are also validated against...
Validation and Application of THE Model's Trip Table Estimation Process
The Highway Emulator (THE) Model is a microcomputer based travel demand forecasting program maintained by the Central Transportation Planning Staff (CTPS). In addition to the traditional...
Estimating Network Model Parameters from Mail Survey Data
Network models are generally based on a four-step modeling process; trip generation, trip distribution, modal split, and trip assignment. Microcomputer implementations of these steps have...
Transit Network Modelling?A New Approach
London's underground is one of the world's largest heavy-rail underground systems. London underground Limited (LUL) is the main rapid transit operator in London, and is financed directly...
A Microcomputer Program to Evaluate Low Cost Modifications on Urban Freeways
This paper presents a user-friendly, menu-driven microcomputer program, RAMP, for analysis and evaluation of freeway ramp junction level of service. RAMP automates the approximation procedure...
Florida's New Toll Facilities Model
Florida's Turnpike provides a system of user-financed limited access toll highways meeting important transportation needs in the State of Florida, while protecting the interests of its...
Policy Options and Highway Capacity Needs
One of the recurring criticisms levelled against FHWA's Report to Congress on the Status of the Nation's Highways is that the Report does not go far enough in examining the implications...
Corridor Analysis Using QRS II Route 9 Case Study
This traffic modeling project is part of a larger planning study of the Route 9 corridor through the Town of Hadley and parts of Amherst and Northampton. The Pioneer Valley Planning Comission...
Assignment Modeling with Dynamic Traffic Effects
This paper describes the new traffic assignment modeling provided by the Highway analysis component of the TRIPS package. This tackles some fundamental modeling issues regarding the time...
Travel Demand with Forecasting Microsimulation
Transportation planners forecast travel demand using techniques that are based on dissagregate models estimated from cross-sectional data. Their forecasts are usually single future time...
Impact of Land Use Alternatives on Transportation Demand
This paper documents a study conducted by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments (Regional Council) for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Under this study, alternative...
Validating a Citywide Traffic Planning Model
A traffic planning model can improve the public agency's ability to forecast future traffic and plan appropriate roadway intrastructure. However, the usefulness of these models depends...
The Development of a Regional GIS/Transportation Database
This paper describes the development of a prototype concept and demonstration for a geographical information system-transportation database (GIS/T) for the Regional Transportation Commission...
Better Ways to Update Trip Matrices
Updating origin-destination (OD) trip matrices usually involves considerable survey costs, so engineers are often forced to use dated OD information, which can seriously undermine the...
Using License Plate Survey Data in Transportation Planning Applications
This paper is a presentation of the methodology used by the Baltimore Regional Council of Governments to conduct a multi-faceted study for the Maryland Aviation Administration, which operates...
Trends in Digital Road Map Databases for Microcomputer Applications in Transportation
Advances in the technology and coverage of precision digital road-map database, combined with advances in the size and data processing capacity of microcomputers, are together contributing...
Synthesis of Traffic Signal Timing for the Highway Capacity Manual Planning Analysis
The 1985 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) provides a technique to analyze the operation of signalized intersections. The Highway Capacity Software (HCS) is a microcomputer package that faithfully...
Graphical Representation of Signal and Stop Sign Control Warrants Combined with Level of Service Estimates
An insolated intersection is usually controlled by either signals or stop signs. The choice between these two trafic control devices requires an engineering study which typically examines...
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