Synthetic Organic Contaminants and Pesticides in Groundwater
For decades, the groundwater of Suffolk County, New York, has been bacteriologically and chemically of superior quality despite the high iron and manganese occasionally encountered in...

Technical Issues of Ground Water Data
Three fundamental issues to be considered in the design of ground water monitoring programs are 1) choice of parameters for characterizing contaminant sources, 2) determining the areal...

A Call for New Directions in Drilling and Sampling Monitoring Wells
The hollow-stem auger drilling technique has an inherent limitation of disturbing large volumes of subsurface materials around the borehole, thereby possibly affecting local permeabilities...

Managing Ground Water Data
Decisions concerning ground water protection and public health should be based on all relevant data, measured and analyzed with technically valid techniques. In areas where ground water...

Techniques for Delineating Subsurface Organic Contamination: A Case Study
Selection of techniques to detect and map subsurface organic contamination depends on the type of source, contamination, and hydrogeologic setting. Ideally, an investigator, manager, or...

Some Problems in the Engineering of Ground Water Cleanup
The problems facing engineers, often civil engineers, in addressing ground water contamination are both exotic and mundane, but all are critical to success. The paper provides a brief...

Control of Groundwater Contamination: Case Studies
Engineered solutions to groundwater contamination problems are being proposed at many hazardous waste sites, yet the effectiveness and long-term reliability of many of these proposed solutions...

Best Management Practices for Point and Nonpoint Sources of Groundwater Contamination
Management strategies have included regulations to guide or limit development in aquifer recharge areas and in the capture zones of public wellfields, engineering requirements to minimize...

The Delineation and Management of Wellhead Protection Areas
The delineation and protection of a management zone around specific wells or wellfields will undoubtedly become more common as the 1986 Amendments to the Safe Drinking Water Act are implemented...

Emergency Response
A spill normally has five phases; namely, the initial emergency response, the site assessment, the development of a remedial action plan, the implementation of the remedial action plan,...

When to Remediate: Remediation or Reparations
The 1986 reauthorization of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) forcefully stated Congress' desire to see our nations hazardous...

Biological Treatment of Trichloroethylene
Trichloroethylene and related compounds such as cis- and trans-1,2-dichloroethylene and vinyl chloride are common contaminants of ground water in industrial areas. In oxygenated ground...

Physical and Chemical Treatment of Contaminated Groundwater at Hazardous Waste Sites
In selecting an appropriate groundwater treatment system, three steps are normally followed. 1. A groundwater investigation is performed to determine the types and concentrations of contaminants...

The Impacts of CERCLA, RCRA and State Programs on Site Remediation: A Case Study
The major federal programs requiring ground water remedial response actions include RCRA and CERCLA. On the state level New Jersey law makers have enacted a number of statutes which regulate...

Chasing Birds from Oil Spills?Two Experiments
Two Canadian studies that addressed different aspects of this problem were conducted in the late 1970's. One was funded by Canadian Marine Drilling Ltd. (Canmar), who was...

The Formulation of a Comprehensive Program to Protect Marine Wildlife Resources During an Oil Spill: A Case Study in Problem Solving Through Private and Public Sector Cooperation
This paper describes a unique experiment in private and public sector cooperation which led to the formulation of a comprehensive program designed to maximize the protection accorded Southern...

Port Re-creation for Coastal Zone Utilization
In the present paper a planning method for port re-creation is discussed and a method to choose the best alternative under conflict situation is proposed. An example of re-creation planning...

The Regulation of Private Waterside Development
To implement their Coastal Zone Management and Local Waterfront Revitalization Plans, towns and villages in the State of New York have been encouraged by the State to develop Harbor Management...

Public Access and Waterfront Redevelopment?Making it Happen
Once an abandoned, industrial wasteland and now a recreational showcase, the Ruston Way waterfront is one of Tacoma's premiere attractions. The successful revitalization is...

Urban Waterfront Zoning: Using CZM Goals to Encourage Revitalization
New York City has historically been a major port and waterfront industrial city. With changes in freight shipping and industrial development, much of the waterfront is no longer needed...





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