Agriculture or Industry? Greenhouse Development in Carpinteria, California
During the past decade, Santa Barbara County, California has witnessed the rapid conversion of orchard and open field agriculture in the Carpinteria Valley to large commercial greenhouse...

Waterfronts Revived
This paper explores the experiences of North American cities in their efforts to improve opportunities for the public to use and enjoy their shores. This work is an outgrowth of research...

Harbor Rehabilitation and Recreational Development in Racine, Wisconsin
With a growing realization that the Racine waterfront was underutilized, Downtown Racine Development Corporation (DRDC) in concert with City and County officials directed its attention...

Concrete Armor Mats: Large-Scale Wave Tank Tests Wave Stability Tests
Concrete mats provide an alternative to the more conventional shoreline stabilization techniques. Material requirements are low, placement techniques are straightforward and they tend...

Is It Safe to Eat the Seafood?
The issue of bacterial, viral and chemical contamination of Puget Sound seafood and its consequent impact on human health has been of concern for some time. This paper discusses potential...

Assessing Cumulative Impacts in Wetland Watersheds
In spite of significant efforts to protect California wetlands through regulation and acquisition, many remain threatened by impacts originating in their watersheds. Local governments...

Wetland Enhancement Near Columbia River Mile 68
The May 18, 1980 and subsequent eruptions of the Mt. St. Helen's volcano, and consequential ashy river sedimentation have caused major changes to a wetland adjacent to Carrolls...

Washington State Department of Ecology: Wetlands Program
The State of Washington Department of Ecology is in its third year of implementation of a comprehensive, multi-faceted program to facilitate informed wetlands management. This program...

Coastal Groundwater Outflow: Solution to a Dynamic Problem
The pattern of fresh groundwater outflow at the coastal margin of a phreatic aquifer can be approximated by a quasi-transient analytical model. The suggested procedure includes transformation...

Identifying DepositionalAreas in Puget Sound
Depositional areas where fine sediments accumulate have been located through low-cost sediment studies instead of more costly current meter and settling trap measurements. Over 200 samples...

Tractive Flows Adjacent to Site for Submarine Sewage Pipeline
Twin 3200 m long submarine sewage pipelines for the city of Vancouver are being placed across the outer tidal flats and upper slope of the Fraser River delta to a water depth of 107 m....

Spatial and Temporal Variability of Drilling Reserve Pit Fluids on the North Slope (abstract)
Reserve pits are constructed in connection with drilling activities to provide a convenient and safe disposal site for waste drilling muds and cuttings. During the winter months at Prudhoe...

Natural Stabilization of an Eroded Permafrost Site
The paper referred to in this abstract discusses the erosional processes during and after the initial failure, proposed solutions to repair and stabilize the site, and details of the performance...

A Small Community's Response to Catastrophic Coastal Bluff Erosion
This paper describes the actions taken by a small unincorporated coastal community in Northern California during a series of catastrophic bluff erosional events, which occurred between...

Economic Benefits to Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab Fishermen From Water Pollution Control and Habitat Restoration
Water pollution, primarily by herbicides and nutrients contained in agricultural runoff and in waste treatment plant effluent, appears to be a major cause of the decline in abundance of...

Redevelopment of a Commercial Fishing Harbor: A Tale of Three Cities (abstract()
The paper referred to in this abstract forms a trilogy of the author's presentation at previous Coastal Zone Symposium at which he traced the development of two small fishing...

Effects of Toxic Chemical Perceptions on Fishing Behavior
This study investigates: 1) whether angler's who perceive toxic chemicals in the water fish any differently than those who do not, and 2) do these behavioral differences have...

Ocean Space Encompassed by Oil and Gas Activities
The implications of exploratory and production drilling depth records from 1947 to the present are considered in terms of ocean area involved and coastal management. Technological changes...

A Survey of Selected Arctic Petroleum Drilling Locations in the Alaskan Coastal Arctic Region (abstract)
There exists in the central coastal region of arctic Alaska, a number of drill site locations which were used to explore for oil and gas in the 1960's and 1970's....

The DST Well: Its Importance and Lessons Learned
A Deep Stratigraphic Test (DST) well is a unique source of stratigraphic information; and provides critical data on drilling conditions, logistics, materials; and subsurface conditions...





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