Sediment Transport Modeling
This is the Proceedings of the International Symposium on Sediment Transport Modeling, held in New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989. It reviews the state of the art and presents the latest...

Computerized Decision Support Systems for Water Managers
More than 200 public and private water experts from across the United States, Canada, England, France, Belgium, and Portugal gathered at Colorado State University, June 27-30, 1988, to...

Post-Audits of Environmental Programs and Projects
This is the proceedings of a session at the ASCE Convention, New Orleans, October 1989. Post-audits include evaluation, assessment, and audit of the effects, both intended and unintended,...

Selection of Consultants for Municipal Water/Wastewater Projects
The City of Dallas, Texas Water Utilities Department is responsible for the design and construction of all needed water and wastewater facilities including treatment plants, pump stations,...

Maintenance on Underground Subway Construction
The paper discusses maintenance the three types of subway construction in the Bag Area Rapid Transit system: cut and cover, driven tunnel, and prefabricated subaqueous railroad tube. Specialized...

Reflections on Design of a Turnkey Hydro-Power Project?Calaveras, California
Developing the Calaveras project under a turnkey agreement has shown that: (1) some 2 years can be saved, (2) cash flow for the owner is significantly delayed, because engineering is first...

Resident Engineering Costs vs. Construction Costs for New York City Water Pollution Control Projects
This paper begins by describing the New York City fresh water system, water pollution control plants, and the development of capital programs. It then discusses contracting methods, construction...

Private Owner Expectation of the Resident Engineer
Traditional project goals invariably distill to achieving a high quality project that is on time and within budget. In meeting these goals, todays resident engineers must do far more than...

Licensee Tort Liability and Regulatory Overreaching
Certain of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) regulations and licensing requirements effectively preempt the states' authority to determine liability....

Channel Tunnel, Texas Style
Two water supply pipelines under the Houston Ship Channel and Greens Bayou are an example of deep tunneling in soft ground. The navigable waters and the water-bearing silty soils in the...

Augering Answers
Leaking storage tanks, a long time environmental problem, are now being addressed nationally with cleanup regulations. Clearly, inexpensive and quick remediations are needed. This article...

Future Hydropower Development
Hydropower development and management in an era of uncertainty is the theme of this Waterpower '87 conference and reflects the current mood of the U. S. hydropower development...

Waterpower Development: A Renewed Partnership
Efforts to meet the water supply and energy needs of the country in a changing economic, environmental, and technical environment create new opportunities for joint action by water and...

The Outlook for the Hydro Business
Hydropower business activity has grown in the eight years since the WATERPOWER conferences began in 1979. During this time, however, small hydro has faced many ups and downs. Relicensing...

The Pacific Northwest Rivers Study: Development of a Rivers Inventory and Analysis System
To minimize conflicts between hydropower development and resource conservation, the Bonneville Power Administration and the Northwest Power Planning Council initiated the Pacific Northwest...

Hydropower Development for Hawaii
A site specific, evaluation technique is being studied to examine hydropower potential based on an operations research approach for micro- and mini-hydropower systems under established...

Hydropower Development of the Hongshuihe, China
Power is the predominant factor in the development of the Hongshuihe River. The Province of Guangdong is the most highly developed area in the Pearl River Basin, where the fast growing...

Sri Lanka's Mini-Hydro Rehabilitation Programme
As part of Sri Lanka's medium term investment programme funded mainly by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank, the British Government's Overseas Development...

Hydro Development on the Huallaga River in Peru
The proposed Chaglla Hydroelectric Project, is located on the Huallaga River in Central Peru, about 300 km north east of Lima. The available gross head of 870 m and regulated flow of 58...

Small Hydro Studies in Northern Thailand
As part of the Thai Government's programme of rural electrification, Balfour Beatty Engineering (BBE) has been assisting the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) in the...





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