Program for Control of Petroleum Refinery Wastewater
The Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County (LACSD) provide wastewater treatment services to approximately four million residents and eight thousand industrial companies. Large and...

Maintenance Management for a Large Urban Waterworks System
The Boston Water and Sewer Commission (BWSC) owns and operates a water distribution system consisting of 86,000 customer accounts and 1,100 miles of water mains. In 1984, BWSC initiated...

Arsenic Contamination of Private Potable Wells
The results of a series of water testing programs of private residential wells in Pepperell, Massachusetts showed that of 301 wells tested, approximately 12 percent exhibited arsenic levels...

Design and Construction of TCE/PCE Removal Facilities
This paper presents a review of the design and construction of a facility in Arcadia, California, to remove trichloroethylene (TCE) and tetrachlorethylene (PCE) from ground water. (Edited...

Estimating Wastewater Capacity of a Cedar Swamp
The response of water table to rainfall provided the basis for estimating the wastewater capacity of a northern Michigan cedar swamp which had been used for disposal of 30 million gallons...

An Innovative Wastewater Management Program
An innovative wastewater management program is described which has been implemented in Orange County, Florida. The wastewater treatment facility utilizes the Bardenpho advanced biological...

Risks from Metals Emitted by Sludge Incinerators
The types of incinerators most commonly used in the United States are the multiple hearth and fluidized bed designs. Airborne contaminants from either method of sludge incineration may...

Hazard Assessment of Landfill Fire Air Emissions
The PJP Landfill, located in northeastern New Jersey, is a suspected hazardous waste site, and is listed on the federal Superfund National Priorities List. In addition to contaminating...

Denver's Dual Utilization Sludge Management Plan
The Metropolitan Denver Sewage Disposal District No. 1 (District) has adopted a Dual Utilization approach to sludge management. This technique uses composting during periods of inclement...

Sludge Treatment Design Lands Innovative Funding
The design of sludge treatment facilities for the 10 mgd Ithaca, New York, wastewater treatment plant incorporates both proven technology in the form of gravity thickening and anaerobic...

Environmental Auditing?TVA's Experience
TVA has conducted 70 audits of various TVA operations including construction projects and power plants since 1981. In general, TVA's experience with environmental audits has...

Cultivation of Christmas Trees Using Reclaimed Municipal Wastewater
This investigation was initiated to identify benefits and limitations associated with application of reclaimed domestic wastewater to a crop of improved Virginia pine christmas trees....

Water Conserv II - Reclaimed Water for Citrus Irrigation
Water Conserv II is a water reuse project which will involve the use of highly treated wastewater (reclaimed water) for agricultural irrigation. It is anticipated that the project will...

Advanced Filtration Techniques for the Reclamation of Sewage Works Effluent
The central Florida region is currently developing a wastewater reclamation program that will eventually treat 50 MGD (189,300 m**3/d) of municipal wastewater for spray irrigation and...

Innovations in Army Treatment of Remote Site Wastes
The U. S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA-CERL) is currently evaluating new methods for waste treatment at remote sites which will eliminate or mitigate problems...

Three-Dimensional Simulation of Flow and Sewage Effluent Migration in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington
The purpose of this study was to evaluate effects of a proposed sewage effluent discharge located in the Strait of Juan de Fuca just outside of Sequim Bay, Washignton. The three-dimensional,...

Factors Influencing Oxygen Depletion in Green Bay
Dissolved oxygen depletion in the lower Fox River (Wisconsin) and Green Bay (Lake Michigan) have historically been tied to discharges of organic matter from municipal waste treatment plants...

Adsorption and Release of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil
This study investigated the adsorption and release rates of toxic metals in soil type associated with hazardous waste sites common to the Northeastern United States. Five heavy metals...

On-Site Containment of PCB-Contaminated Soils
A remedial investigation/design project, with subsequent post-closure monitoring, was conducted for upland areas containing PCBs at an industrial site in New Bedford, Massachusetts. A...

Enforcement Support at an NPL Landfill in Colorado
Since 1964, the City and County of Denver has owned the Lowry Landfill site, located approximately 15 miles (24 km) southeast of Denver. During the period of July 1967 through 1980, the...





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