Overcoming Institutional Barriers to Ground Water Banking: The Kern Water Bank
The newest facility planned for addition to the California State Water Project (SWP) is the Kern Water Bank, a proposed offstream ground water storage and extraction program in Kern County....

Artificial Recharge in Queensland, Australia
Because of the climatic conditions storages are required to utilize surface water and ground water is used extensively throughout the State. The Great Artesian Basin underlies much of...

Status and Experiences Made in the Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in the Federal Republic of Germany
With a rate of 72%, ground and spring water is the most important raw material for drinking water supply in the Federal Republic of Germany. Ground water, however, is not available everywhere...

Artificial Recharge in Finland
There are four reasons for artificial recharge of ground water in Finland: 1. The replenishment of aquifers by lake water. 2. To use aquifers as part of surface water treatment process....

Ground Water Recharge in Ganga Basin
Ganga Basin is the repository of ground water in the Indian sub continent. The area is subject to frequent drought. Tubewell development both in the state and private sectors has been...

Interaction of Large Depression Storage with an Aquifer
In the south-western part of Ghaggar basin, there exist an isolated but interconnected series of nineteen aeolian sand dune depressions in Sriganganagar district of Rajasthan (India) which...

Artificial Recharge of Ground Water via Paddy Fields in an Alluvial Fan, Northern Japan
Artificial ground water recharge via paddy fields was tested during the winters of 1985/86 and 1986/87 in order to protect declining water levels. The purpose of this paper is to discuss...

Experimental Studies of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in Yamagata City, Japan
Experimental studies on artificial recharge of ground water were carried out for three years in Yamagata City, Japan. Two types of installation, pit and basin method were used for recharge....

Infiltration Wells in the Lakes Around the Future Markerwaard Polder
Drainage and reclamation of the Markerwaard polder in the Netherlands may cause damage to buildings and infrastructure in the eastern part of North-Holland because of subsidence. Drawdown...

Artificial Recharge of the Heretaunga Plains Aquifer Hawke's Bay, New Zealand
The Heretaunga Plains groundwater system in the Hawke's Bay region of New Zealand, is naturally recharged from the nearby Ngaruroro River at the approximate rate of 5.5m3/sec....

The Tunisian Experience in Ground Water Artificial Recharge by Treated Wastewater
In Tunisia, because the water resources are limited, the reuse of treated wastewater in agriculture becomes a necessity. The artificial ground water recharge is one of alternative forms...

Deepwell Infiltration in the North-Holland Dune Area
Deep well infiltration now generally is considered the cue for the future extensions of artificial ground water recharge in or outside the dunes. The Provincial Waterworks of North-Holland...

Evaluating Potential Artificial Recharge Projects
The success of an artificial recharge project can be directly tied to the quality of planning of the potential projects and/or sites. The paper's purpose is to identify the...

Artificial Recharge of Ground Water
A need for international and interdisciplinary technology transfer on the subject of artificial recharge resulted in the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Irrigation...

Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century
The theme for the conference was Planning Now for Irrigation and Drainage in the 21st Century. Many of the regions of the Country are experiencing water supply declines and/or increasing...

Controlling Waterborne Giardiasis
A State of the Art Review
The epidemiology of giardiasis and techniques for sampling and analysis to detect Giardia cysts in water are reviewed....

Review of the Nation's Water Resources Infrastructure Needs
Also published in Critical Water Issues and Computer Applications...

Distribution System Rehabilitation
Hackensack Water Company has had an on-going program of cleaning and lining its transmission mains to increase their capacity and lower its pumping costs. But by late 1986, the need to...

Planning for Infrastructure Rehabilitation and Replacement
A technique has been developed by the Metropolitan Sanitary District of Greater Chicago (MSDGC) to provide a means of budgeting monetary and human resources needed to provide for infrastructure...

Inexpensive Geo-Coding for Water Utilities
Geo-Coding enables Hackensack Water Company to optimize meter reading and customer service routing; to analyze water consumption data at a micro level, and relate that data to census and...





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