Turbine Conceptions for Low Heads and Their Application in US Hydro Power Stations
To improve the feasibility of small power plants standardized units were developed. The bulb turbine technology as well as the pit-type conception improve the feasibility of larger plants....

Environmental Engineering
The 1989 Specialty Conference on Environmental Engineering was held in Austin, Texas on July 10-12, 1989 with cooperation from the University of Texas at Austin Civil Engineering Department...

Odors: The Other Effluent
Neighbors object to unpleasant odors emitted at wastewater treatment plants, and dealing with such odors requires tact as well as technology. The operators and engineers must listen to...

Building A Better Wetland
Nouri described an engineering plan designed for the National Audubon Society to restore the Ballona Wetlands of southern California, which has been severely degraded by population growth,...

Sludge in the Nineties
Strict new regulations proposed for sludge disposal have toughened the challenge ahead for engineers. The regulations are the first to ever address sludge disposal in a comprehensive,...

Bioremediation: Testing the Waters
Piotrowski describes the pilot study that led to the first EPA-mandated use of bioremediation to clean up a Superfund aquifer. (Bioremediation seeks to stimulate microbial activity to...

Hydro on Hold
Hydropower projects have become the target of a growing environmental movement overseas. The tradeoff between clean, renewable energy and the possible environmental impacts of the reservoirs...

Big Trouble in Little America
Traditionally, rural communities in the U.S. have relied on septic systems to treat their wastewater. Many of the nation's 23 million septic systems, however, are failing....

Putting Waste to Use
Although it's only been nine years since Superfund was passed, a traditional hazardous waste disposal process has nontheless been established. That is, wastes are taken to...

Water Beneath the City Streets
Urban groundwater control requires high levels of skill and experience but allows for only a small margin of error. Determining the best method for controlling groundwater requires knowing...

Multipoint Monitoring
Monitoring groundwater is necessary to guard against pollution and to provide data for water resource management. The Orange County (Calif.) Water District has embarked on a program of...

Training the Waste Watchers
Whether an engineer is going to work at a Superfund site himself, or if his firm will be doing cleanup work at the site, that engineer will want to take the 40 hour training course as...

National Water Conference
This book contains papers presented at the ASCE National Water Conference held at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, July 17-20, 1989. The National Water Conference was cosponsored...

Legal, Institutional, Financial and Environmental Aspects of Water Issues
The papers included in this publication were presented at the 1989 LIFE symposium and address the legal, institutional, financial and environmental aspects of water issues. These aspects...

Quick Response on the Mississippi
In November 1987, the Mississippi River broke through the foundation of the St. Anthony Fall's Lower Dam Hydropower Plant. The plant's owner, the Northern State...

Waterpower '89
The 1980's have been characterized as an era of uncertainty for world energy including future demand for energy, fuel prices and availability, regulatory constraints, environmental...

Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning and Designing Hydroelectric Developments
Civil Engineering Guidelines for Planning and Designing Hydroelectric Developments was prepared under the auspices of the Hydropower Committee...

Hydraulic Engineering
The papers in this book were presented at the ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering in August, 1989 at New Orleans, Louisiana. The objective of the Conference was to provide...

Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems
Prepared by the Task Committee on Risk and Reliability Analysis of Water Distribution Systems of the Committee on Probabilistic Approaches to Hydraulics of the Hydraulics Division of ASCE....

Water Use by Naturally Occurring Vegetation
An Annotated Bibliography
This report was prepared by the Task Committee on Water Requirements of Natural Vegetation Committee, a special subcommittee of the Committee on Irrigation Water Requirements, Irrigation...





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