Density Currents in Pollutant Transport and Mixing
A buoyant spreading model for the current-advected plume is formulated including several distinct mechanisms: convective spreading, interfacial friction spreading, entrainment at the density...

Criticality of Density Intrusions
Previous analyses of density intrusions indicates that a steady interface cannot be maintained if the front propagates at a speed greater than that of long interfacial waves. Supercritical...

Computation of Flow Past a Cylinder Mounted on a Flat Plate
The surface shear stress distribution in the vicinity of a circular cylinder - mounted normal to a rigid flat plate - produced by the three-dimensional flow past it, is investigated numerically...

The Separated Flow Around a Circular Bridge Pier
The unsteady separated flows around a flat plate/cylinder junction and a scour hole/cylinder junction were investigated experimentally. The flow in the plane of symmetry was presented....

Top Width of Pier Scour Holes in Free and Pressure Flow
The maximum top width of the local scour holes at piers is shown to be a simple function of the scour depth and the angle of repose of the bed material in water. Knowledge of the top width...

Preliminary Studies of Pressure Flow Scour
Bridges that become inundated during floods have slightly pressurized flow that impacts bridge piers and creates an aggravated scour condition. Results of two preliminary laboratory studies...

A Model for Vertical Transport at a Sheared Density Interface
A physically based model for vertical mixing and transport at a sheared density interface is presented, based on high-resolution measurements from laboratory experiments. It is found that...

Mixing Characteristics of a Transitional Stratified Two-Layer Flow
Small scale structures in a stably stratified two-layer flow are investigated. The flow configuration has the initial velocity interface displaced with respect to the density interface....

Erosion Protection at Hydraulic Structures: A Report From the Task Committee
In 1991 the ASCE Hydraulics Structures Committee formed a task committee on Erosion Protection at Hydraulic Structures. The purpose of the committee is to determine current practices in...

Scour Development at Isolated River-Bed Obstacles
Development of local scour was investigated for isolated obstacles on movable beds subject to clear-water scour. The resulting maximum scour depths, scour volumes, and obstacle displacements...

n Values for Shallow Flow in Rough Channels
Manning's friction factor n has been developed from flume data for very shallow open channel flow in a high-gradient channel with large bed material. n values are presented as a function...

Problems with Numerical Modeling of Gravel-Bed Rivers
Inherent to one-dimensional numerical models are the assumptions that hydraulic parameters can be assigned a characteristic average value, and that the flow is gradually varied so that...

An Experimental Study of Bivalve Siphonal Jets in a Turbulent Boundary Layer Crossflow
We conducted experiments in a laboratory flume to study the interaction of bivalve siphonal jets with the turbulent boundary layer which forms in the benthic region of shallow estuaries....

An Assessment of Fish Entrainment and Impingement Potential for an Offshore Cooling Water Intake in a Tropical Bay
Fish entrainment and impingement potential were assessed for a proposed cogeneration facility on the west coast of Puerto Rico that will withdraw cooling water using offshore intake structures....

Local Scour at Skewed Bridge Piers
Presented herein are experimental data showing the influence of pier skewness, also referred to as angle of attack, on depth of local scour at rectangular and oblong bridge piers. The...

Comparison of Theoretical and Historical Scour
As part of scour assessments at approximately 120 stream crossings on the New York State Thruway, subsurface investigations were performed at all structures and, in some instances, locations...

Numerical Solution of Transient Closed-Conduit Flow Equations by the Method of Lines Along Characteristics
The method of characteristics has long been considered as a natural technique for solving transient closed-conduit problems. In this paper, by using the concept of the method of lines,...

Visualization and Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Velocity Measurements in Carquinez Strait, California
On 11 March, 12 March, 15 April, and 16 April, 1991 the United States Geological Survey (USGS), Sacramento, CA, employed a Downward Looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (DL-ADCP)...

Fluid Mechanics Aspects of Ocean Outfalls
Prediction of the environmental effects of ocean outfalls requires understanding of some complex fluid mechanical phenomena. These include the dynamics of merging plumes in flowing, density-stratified...

Selective Withdrawal in a Rotating Stratified Fluid
In this paper we consider the axisymmetric flow of a rotating stratified fluid into a point sink. Linear analysis of the initial value problem of flow of a linearly stratified fluid into...





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