Linear Pertubation Model: An Application to Tanzanian Catchments
Floods are still a problem to many countries in the world todate. Floods do cause damage to property and sometimes loss to human life. Flood control measures by structural and non-structural...

HEC's Project Benefit Accomplishment Program
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) has developed a new computer program which computes flood damage and project benefit accomplishment. It calculates...

Flow Augmentation in the Fenholloway River Basin
Methods to enhance water quality were examined in a north Florida river basin containing industrial wastewater effluent from a paper pulp mill. Streamflow augmentation was determined to...

The Covington Master Drainage Plan
Located in the southeastern portion of King County, Washington, the 1,240-acre Covington area had been identified in 1985 as an 'urban activity center,' a place designated for regional...

Strategies to Preserve Endangered Salmon in the Columbia River
The recent listing of some Snake River salmon stocks as threatened and endangered has forcefully brought Pacific Northwest resource interests together to seek solutions to preserve the...

Sediment Entrapment by Stream Channel Vegetation
Degraded headwater streams are common in the mountainous West. They have experienced a variety of stresses from public and private uses and will require specific management consideration...

Primary Metals and Criteria for Water use in the Columbia River, British Columbia
We assessed primarily concentrations of lead, cadmium, copper, zinc and water hardness in the Columbia River between Birchbank and Waneta. Water quality in this reach of the river is affected...

Chaos Characteristics of Tree-Ring Series
Thirteen tree-ring series from the Salt and Verde River basins in Arizona are studied to distinguish between chaos and randomness. A chaotic moving average model that represents the time...

Spatial and Temporal Precipitation Characteristics in Southwest Idaho
The USDA-ARS, Northwest Watershed Research Center operates a precipitation gage network on the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in southwest Idaho. Analysis of the 30-yr (1962-1991)...

Development of a Selenium TMDL for the San Joaquin River
The objective of this study is to devise a user-friendly, reliable method to calculate a screening-level 'Total Maximum Daily Load' (TMDL) for the San Joaquin River and similar western...

A GIS Approach for Studying Irrigation Management Alternatives to Reduce Salt Loading of River Basins
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the water quality of the Colorado River, many methods have been employed to analyze the overall benefits of alternate irrigation management practices...

Planning for Remediation of Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems in the Middle Green River Basin, Utah
Reconnaissance investigations and detailed studies between 1986-1990 under the National Irrigation Water Quality Program of the Department of the Interior identified and quantified elevated...

Testing of Outlet Works Emergency (Guard) Gates Under Unbalanced Head Conditions ? Background and History
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation has responsibility for ensuring the proper operation, maintenance, and safety of over 300 dams and reservoirs throughout the 17 Western States. Storage of...

Development of a Hydrological Database for PROSIM?A Water Rights-Based Operational Simulation Model of the Provo River
The development of a hydrological database for a computer model of the hydrology, water rights, and operations of the Provo and Weber rivers is described. The model uses all pertinent...

Comparing Bowen Ratio-Energy Balance Systems for Measuring ET
Two Bowen ratio-energy balance (BREB) systems for measuring evapotranspiration (ET) under wet and dry conditions were compared. The study sites were an irrigated grass sod near Kimberly,...

Evaluating the Facts in Water Right Changes
Under the western system of appropriation water rights may be separated from the land and the time, type and place of use changed. Such changes are governed by the principle that there...

Effect of Choptank Watershed Drainage Project on Stream Temperatures
Between 1974 and 1982, the Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A conducted a stream study on the Choptank Watershed in Caroline County, Maryland to monitor the effects of channel construction...

OCEA Goes Green
While spanning the range of civil engineering work, most of the nominees for this year's Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award were either designed to clean the...

A Semi-Discrete Element Approach to the River Ice Breakup and Jamming Process
A semi-discrete element approach was developed to simulate the whole river ice breakup and jamming process. In this approach, ice mass is treated as discrete elements, and the movement...

Simulation of Rapid Reservoir Drawdown for Flood Control, Cowlitz Falls Project
The Cowlitz Falls Dam is a run-of-river project, currently under construction on the Cowlitz River in Washington State, 23 Km downstream from the town of Randle. The requirements for reservoir...





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