Using SAF to Focus Mainframe Transportation Planning Data
This paper presents an overview of software called 'SAF' developed under FHWA sponsorship to assist in converting mainframe planning data sets into formats which can be input into microcomputer...

Model for Intersection Control Analysis (MICA)
This paper describes the Model for Intersection Control Analysis (MICA). The Intersection Control Analysis is a comprehensive investigation that compares the collected data to the signal...

Microcomputer Traffic Records System for Accident Analysis
Over the last few years, the Illinois Department of Transportation has been developing an integrated microcomputer traffic records system designed to record and analyze accident, citation,...

ARES: an Accident Report Entry System for Local Agencies
The ARES microcomputer workstation system permits local police and engineering agencies to enter their own Michigan traffic accident reports from the statewide standard Form UD-10. The...

Using Lap Tops as Connections to Minicomputers in the City of Portland
Over the past few years, the City of Portland has used a mix of personal computers and minicomputers to accomplish its mission. This paper describes four applications of using lap top...

Collection and Analysis of Speed and Delay Using Portable Microcomputers
Speed and delay studies are performed routinely on urban street networks. The data are used for a variety of transportation engineering purposes including signal timing design, roadway...

Data Collection Using a Portable Computer and Digitizing Tablet
This paper describes a data collection system developed by the New Hampshire Technology Transfer Center. The key features of this data collection method are its ease of use, single step...

Integrating Roadway Data in a Corporate Database
For road and highway management it is becoming increasingly important to integrate data such as: traffic, accidents, geometrics, pavement condition, maintenance and construction history....

U.S. Geological Survey DLG-3 and Bureau of the Census TIGER Data: Development and GIS Applications
The U.S. Geological Survey has been actively developing digital cartographic and geographic data and standards since the early 1970's. One product is Digital Line Graph data, which offer...

Census Data Available for Transportation Planners
In 1981 the U.S. Bureau of the Census set a goal to automate the full range of cartographic and geographic processes in time to serve the data collection, tabulation, and dissemination...

Synthetic O-D Microcomputer Trip Table Packages
Three microcomputer models for synthetic estimation of origin-destination trip tables are compared based on theoretical foundations, implementability, and operating performances. Each...

Lapsize Computers and Local Pavement Management
The purpose of this study is to examine the use of a portable computer, the GRIDcase Plus, in local pavement management. A software program in BASIC is developed to run on the GRID, to...

InTransit: Processing and Analyzing Transit Service Data with the Macintosh
InTransit is a database application based on 4th Dimension designed to facilitate the data processing and analysis phases. InTransit, in its present form, can process both ridecheck and...

Transit Route Planning Using Data Downloaded from UTPS
A comprehensive evaluation of alternative bus routing and service patterns was recently performed for the Alameda-Contra Costa (AC) Transit District, the principal public transit operator...

A Matching Algorithm That Eliminates the Need for Radio Signposts in Automatic Passenger Counters on Buses
Volumes of raw data collected using the Automatic Data Aquisition system are useless until they can be processed and transformed into meaningful reports and plots. This is done using a...

Processing Automatically Collected Patronage Data
Since the late 1970's, the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) has had the capability to automatically collect trip origin and destination data from its faregates. This...

Computerized Transportation/Financial Planning Processes
The Computerized Transportation/Financial Planning Process (CTFP) comprises a battery of programs that collectively form a valuable growth management tool. CTFP incorporates four spreadsheet...

Advances in Trip Matrix Estimation
The derivation of Origin-Destination (O-D) trip matrices is a vital component of much transportation planning. Obtaining accurate O-D data often poses a challenge on account of the large...

Traffic Congestion Data Collection and Analysis System
The system was developed to allow traffic engineers to analyze the magnitude, duration and location of traffic congestion on highways and city streets. It is used to prioritize traffic...

Some Considerations in Model and Field Data Selection for Circulation Studies of the James River Estuary
The major features of the circulation of the lower James River estuary are presented. The capabilities of numerical hydrodynamic models in reproducing these features are discussed, leading...





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