Effects of Particle Shape on Bedload Transport
The effects of particle shape on bedload transport in gravel-bed streams are examined using a similarity approach and fractional transport analysis for data from Piceance Creek, Colorado,...

A General Theory of Channel Adjustment in High Gradient Streams
The paper presents a theory of channel adjustment in high gradient streams. This theory states that given sufficient energy, stream channels will adjust their dimensions and flow hydraulics...

A Mechanism of Pool Formation and Maintenance in Forest Streams
Laboratory and field investigations illustrate a hydraulic mechanism responsible for the formation and maintenance of pools associated with large, in-channel obstructions in forest streams....

Estimating Local Bed Shear Stress in Large Gravel-Bed Rivers
The local bed shear stress ?o1 cannot be directly measured and is typically estimated using flow observations in various theoretical or empirical...

Coarse Sediment Transport and the Maintenance of Fish Habitat in the Upper Colorado River
An analysis of the relation between discharge and boundary shear stress is presented for an alluvial reach of the Colorado River near Grand Junction, CO. The analysis indicates that the...

Analysis of Sand Movement on Noto Coast by Geochemical Method
The analysis of sand samples by X - ray fluorescent spectroscopy (abbreviated by XRF) gives the ratio of the geochemical elements to construct the sand samples. This shows the geochemical...

Boundary Shear in the Vicinity of River Banks
Some experimental data are presented concerning the distribution of boundary shear stresses in trapezoidal open channels for both inbank and overbank flows. The local shear stresses on...

Determination of Geometry and Stress Distribution of an Optimal Stable Channel
A numerical model which determines the geometry of a threshold channel was recently developed (Diplas and Vigilar, 1992). This is important in the design of irrigation canals, channelization...

Field Evaluation of the Sediment Transport Model Stream with a Bank Erosion Component
The graded sediment routing and stream bed evolution model STREAM of Borah, Alonso and Prasad was expanded earlier by incorporating a riverbank erosion component of Osman and Thorne. In...

Carpet Flow Analysis
Under very high flow conditions, sediment may be transported either in a suspension or by carpet flow, as defined by Bagnold. This study examines the theoretical conditions for carpet...

Urban Runoff Based on Land Use and Particle Size
As point sources have achieved pollution compliance, the focus of pollution abatement has shifted to nonpoint sources. New Federal regulations require wet-weather monitoring of drainage...

Non-Point Source Pollution Reduction
The paper reports on the results of a study to determine the effectiveness of the best management practices (BMPs) for use in the Tampa Bay Watershed. The study aims to determine the efficiency,...

Investigation of an Anisotropic k-? Model
In this paper the eddy viscosity hypothesis is abandoned and explicit expressions of Reynolds stress are deduced directly from the transport equations. Anisotropic k and ? equations are...

Minimizing the Probable Maximum Flood
A newly-developed probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimate for Wisconsin and Michigan reduced precipitation depths by 20%. Should a given area's probable maximum flood...

Predicted and Measured Behavior of Five Spread Footings on Sand
This publication contains the results of a full scale load testing program used to predict and measure the bahavior of five spread footings on sand. These results were presented at the...

Standard Practice for Direct Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using Standard Installations (SIDD)
This publication, Standard Practice for Direct Design of Buried Precast Concrete Pipe Using Standard Installations (SIDD), (ASCE 15-93), is applicable to buried concrete precast pipe intended...

Vertical and Horizontal Deformations of Foundations and Embankments
This proceedings, Vertical and Horizontal Deformations of Foundations and Embankments (Geotechnical Special Publication No. 40) consists of...

RCC For Seismic Design
Throughout its 70-year existence, the Littlerock Dam in Southern California's National Forest has been the subject of concern. Located only 1.5 mi south of the San Andreas...

Offshore Rescue
Restoration of wastewater ocean outfalls can be difficult, dangerous and environmentally challenging. Two recent projects, however, serve as examples of innovative outfall rehab. The first...

Constructing Around Contamination
When soil and ground water contamination are found at a construction site, completing the project on time and within budget is always a challenge. Typical problems include constraints...





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