Observations of a Tidal Inlet on a Shingle Beach
An observation and measurement program was undertaken at Batiquitos Lagoon, San Diego County, California to better understand the paths and rates of shingle movement in the littoral zone....

Processes Controlling the Retreat of the Isles Dernieres, A Louisiana Barrier-Island Chain
The Isles Dernieres is a low-lying, transgressive barrier-island chain situated about 150 km west of the modern Mississippi delta. Much of the Isles Dernieres consists of highly dissected...

The Oceanside Experimental Sand Bypass?The Next Step
Following the completion and successful operation of the first phase of the Oceanside Sand Bypass, the next step in the development of the experiment has begun. The Phase I plant is not...

Sand Bypassing at Indian River Inlet, Delaware
To solve a beach erosion problem north of Indian River Inlet, Delaware, the US Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District and the State of Delaware have constructed a fixed plant sand...

Geomorphology and Sedimentation Patterns of Tidal Inlets: A Review
Tidal inlets are generally formed by either of two mechanisms: storm generated scour channels, and closure of estuarine entrances by growth of sand spits. On depositional, coastal plain...

Wave-Current Interaction at Wells Inlet, Maine
Wells Inlet is a jettied waterway along the southern coast of Maine. Since its initial structuring and dredging for harborage, the inlet has been plagued by severe shoaling. The jetties...

Infragravity Wave Motion in a Tidal Inlet
Infragravity waves (20

Regional Beach Sand Volumes of the Pacific Northwest, USA
Eight small littoral cells ranging from 5-60 km in length have been surveyed by beach profiling and seismic refraction to establish active beach sand volumes in the Pacific Northwest region....

Large-Scale Coastal Evolution of Louisiana's Barrier Islands
The prediction of large-scale coastal change is an extremely important, but distant goal. Here we describe some of our initial efforts in this direction, using historical bathymetric information...

Processes of Shoreline Change Along the Nile Delta Coast of Egypt
A comprehensive program has been underway for more than a decade to collect nearshore data related to erosion problems experienced along the shoreline of the Nile Delta. The data include...

Mechanisms of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Ceredigion, West Wales, UK
Investigation of cliff recession along 20km of the West Wales coastline has recognised erosion processes and mechanisms. Mean contemporary recession rates of 13cm/year have been measured...

Seacliff Retreat and Coarse Sediment Yields in Southern California
Seacliffs are erosional slopes. They form when a receding shoreline impinges on coastal terraces, hills, or mountains. Wave-caused erosion at the base of a seacliff controls its long-term...

Model Testing of Shore Protection Schemes at Surfside-Sunset Beach, CA
A 1:75-scale physical hydraulic model was used to investigate the design of proposed structural modifications at Surfside-Sunset Beach, California, with regard to beach erosion at the...

Physical Modelling of Pocket Beaches
The design of artificial beach systems is dependent upon the modelling criteria and on the selection of the sand material to be used for nourishment. In order to obtain a stable beach...

Numerical Simulation of Beach Profile Response to Hurricane Hugo
Beach and dune erosion caused by Hurricane Hugo at Myrtle and Debidue Beaches, South Carolina was simulated using an explicit finite-difference cross-shore sand transport numerical mode....

Redington Shores Breakwater: Beach Response
This paper presents the beach response at Redington Shores, Florida to a detached offshore breakwater constructed in 1986. This paper summarizes the initial shoreline response described...

Development of an Input Data Set for Shoreline Change Modeling
Procedures and analysis techniques for pre-processing physical data sets in preparation for performing a numerical shoreline change simulation study using the GENESIS model are presented....

Field Application of a Numerical Model of Beach Topography Change
Discussion was made, on the basis of field data, on the applicability of the formula for local rate of sediment transport due to combined action of waves and currents presented by Watanabe...

Beach Profile Modelling: Flume Data Comparisons and Sensitivity Tests
Some results from a deterministic computational model of beach and nearshore profile development are presented in this paper. Comparisons are made with prototype-scale flume measurements...

Mathematical Model of Groyned Shingle Beaches
The paper describes the development of a mathematical model designed to be used by coastal engineers to study the effects of groynes on shingle beaches. The main task of the model is to...





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