Economic Efficiency of Regulations for Allocation and Control of Surface Water Withdrawals in Humid Regions
This paper proposes several alternative regulatory instruments for the allocation of flowing water and evaluates these instruments with respect to economic efficiency for a hypothetical...

A System Approach for Identifying and Improving Hydraulic Numerical Modeling Reliability
A system response approach which uses Fourier transform through a multiple-input/ single-output (MISO) nonlinear system to evaluate the model performance of verification and simulation...

Economic Risk Analysis as a Research Directing Paradigm
Risk analysis could be used to direct a manageable, prioritized strategic plan for evaluating bridge scour research needs. Through risk analysis, the costs of research and the potential...

Selection of Sediment Transport Relations: Part I, Review of Sediment Transport Comparisons
There are a great number of sediment transport relations in existence in the world today. The engineer is often faced with the problem of choosing the most appropriate relation for the...

Selection of Sediment Transport Relations: Part II, Ranges of Dimensionless Numbers
With a large number of sediment transport equations claiming to be applicable within various ranges of hydraulic and sediment parameters, engineers are often faced with the dilemma of...

Hydrodynamic Changes Associated with Navigation Traffic on the Upper Mississippi River System
Research has been conducted at the Illinois State Water Survey for the last five to seven years to collect field data from the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers to determine the extent and...

Distributions of Return Flow in Navigable Waterways
Physical impacts of barge traffic on the riverine environment have drawn increasing attention from resource managers of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). Return flow, which can...

Two-Dimensional Modeling of River Dynamics for the Expansion of Clover Island, Kennewick, Washington
The Port of Kennewick, Washington, is proposing to redevelop Clover Island as a waterfront village concept. The island is located in the Columbia River between McNary and Priest Rapids...

Improving the Speed of Double Lockages
The size of tug and barge combinations on the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway frequently exceed the dimensions of the lock chambers they must pass through. The locks on these...

Reduction of Sediment Loads in DEC Streams
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Demonstration Erosion Control (DEC) project is actively involved in the stabilization and restoration of many drastically disturbed incising streams in...

Quail Creek: A Case Study of Restoration Using Native Materials
Quail Creek, a stream in northern Baltimore County, Maryland, was restored in 1990 using the approach developed by Rosgen to diagnose the problems, and determine the parameters for stable...

Spatial Statistics for Rainfall Forecasts Assessment
Assessments of rainfall forecasts were developed using GIS-based spatial statistical procedures applied to calibrated radar-rainfall fields in central Oklahoma. The overall objective of...

Automated Tools for Spatially Distributed Rainfall/Runoff Modeling
A watershed modeling system (WMS) has been developed to address the needs of surface water rainfall/runoff computer simulations. WMS, developed at the Engineering Computer Graphics Laboratory...

Status Report ? Task Committee on GIS Models and Distributed Models of the Watershed
In recognition of the trend toward the adoption of geographic information system (GIS) technology in analyzing hydrologic problems and the obvious applications of GIS in incorporating...

Wastewater Reuse: An Alternative for Potable Water
Adverse economic conditions throughout the world have resulted in a shift of priorities causing water supply and sanitation schemes to relegate down the list of adequately funded projects....

Appropriate Sanitation Technology Advisor: A Planner's Tool in Less Developed Countries
The goal of the expert system (ES) prototype described in this paper is to create an advising method for planners, engineers and officials in Less-Developed Countries (LDCs) to utilize...

The Analysis of the Failure of the Minte Stream Culvert
A persistent and continuous rainfall that lasted for more than 30 hours on May 6?7, 1995, caused the sudden failure of an embank ment on the main road between Puerto Varas and Ensenada,...

Protection against Flooding: A New Delta Plan in the Netherlands
The Netherlands are situated on the delta of three of Europe's main rivers: the Rhine, the Meuse, and the Scheldt. As a result, the country has been able to develop into an important industrial...

Flood Management Strategies for the Rhine and Maas Rivers in the Netherlands
This paper addresses the above issues, examines the lessons learned, and emphasizes the shift in attention from society on flood management issues. Special attention is devoted to the...

Measurements of Bridge-Scour Depths in Mississippi
This paper briefly summarizes 190 measured pier-scour depths collected dur ing 1942?94 at 22 selected bridges in Mississippi and presents an envelope-curve equation for the data. The envelope-curve...





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