Damage Determination
Various statutory authorities have designated agencies that own, manage or protect natural resources to be trustees for the resources on behalf of the public. Under those authorities,...

The Injury/Restoration Handshake
This paper explains the two components of restoration, proposes a system for evaluating injuries while planning a damage assessment, and applies these concepts to a hypothetical release...

Pre-Spill Planning for Natural Resource Damage Assessments
The effectiveness of the natural resource damage assessment (NRDA) process for oil and chemical spills can be improved by planning and coordination among natural resource trustees before...

A Guide for Controlling Agricultural Nonpoint Source Sediment Loads: Where to Treat?
The authors present a simplified guide to decide where to expend money and efforts to reduce sediment loads that cause water quality problems. This guide is intended for resource managers...

Dealing with TMDLs in the Dairy-McKay HUA
The maximum phosphorus concentration for the TMDL in the Tualatin River is set by Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) at 0.07 mg/1, Dairy-McKay Creek is 0.045 mg/1 Identification of potential...

Use of MARPOL ANNEX V Reception Facilities and Disposal Systems at Selected Gulf of Mexico Ports, Private Terminals and Recreational Boating Facilities
A 1991 survey conducted by the Sea Grant College Programs at Texas A&M Univ and Louisiana State Univ of selected Gulf of Mexico public ports, private terminals and recreational...

Boater's Pledge?A Regional Campaign to Hook Fishermen and Recreational Boaters on Solutions to Solid-Waste Pollution
Volunteer beach cleanups along the coast of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico over the last years have resulted in removal of anthropogenic trash loads with a cumulative weight of more than...

A Strategic Approach to the Restoration Planning Process for Natural Resource Damage Assessment Cases
While the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Regulations make it clear that a range of restoration alternatives be identified in damage assessment cases, much time and money can be wasted...

Offshore Marine Litter in Swansea Bay, Wales, UK
Offshore litter can originate from various sources; with land based (i.e., rivers and beaches), sewage disposal sites and sea dumping being the main source areas. Much work has been carried...

A Comparison of Electromagnetic Survey Results and Groundwater Quality Samples at an Animal Waste Storage Pond
Animal waste storage ponds are widely used to store manure over winter until it can be surface applied to growing crops as a fertilizer. There is an increasing concern for groundwater...

Nutrients in the Gulf of Mexico
Excess nutrients in the Gulf of Mexico are related to at least three important environmental problems: episodic oxygen depletion, sea grass decline, and shifts in composition of biological...

Coastal Non-Point Source Pollution Abatement: The Shipbuilding and Repair Industry
In cooperation with several shipbuilding and repair businesses and several state environmental regulatory agencies, site visits, waste-minimization assessments, and storm water sampling...

Management of San Diego Bay Dredged Material Disposal
This paper will discuss the Navy's efforts in the development and analysis of dredged material disposal from Navy projects within San Diego Bay. The impacts and mitigation for the alternatives...

Upland Reuse of Dredged Material as an Alternative to Aquatic Disposal: The Port of Oakland's Berch 30 Terminal Redevelopment, a Case Study
This paper examines the environmental and financial impacts associated with upland disposal of dredged material by discussing a recent Port of Oakland marine terminal redevelopment project....

Beneficial Utilization and Wetland Creation from Dredge Spoil
The Louisiana Coastal Management Division monitored a federal navigation dredging project where half of the wetland disposal sites were constructed by non-traditional methods (partial...

Potential for the Bioremediation of Contaminated Dredge Material
Sediment contamination frequently impacts the ability of ports to maintain and deepen shipping channels. One of the common contaminants in channel sediments is polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...

Dependence of Shoreline Change on Channel Dredge Material Disposal Practices, Humboldt Bay, CA, A Case Study
This paper addresses the evaluation of dredge material disposal sites for Humboldt Harbor with emphasis on the Humboldt Open Ocean Disposal Site (HOODS) and the potential impact of its...

Coastal Zone Management in Todos Santos Bay, Baja California, Mexico
Todos Santos Bay was a relatively low impacted ecosystem by human activities until 1970's decade; however, the recent accelerated industrial and population growth of the city of Ensenada...

Ecological Situation of the Black Sea Coastal Zone
Some aspects of the Black Sea ecosystems evolution are discussed with regard of growing volumes of discharged pollutants and encroachment of Mnemopsisleidyi. The data characterizing ecological...

Longshore Sediment Transport and Radionuclide Dispersion in the Black Sea Coastal Zone
After the Chernobyl accident the studies of the longshore sediment transport in the Black Sea have got new applications connected with a marine pollution problem. The method to calculate...





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