Mapping Debris-Flow Hazard in Honolulu Using a DEM
A method for mapping hazard posed by debris flows has been developed and applied to an area near Honolulu, Hawaii. The method uses studies of past debris flows to characterize sites of...

Structural and Non-Structural Debris-Flow Countermeasures
Debris-flow can potentially occur for almost any torrents whose gradient is steeper than a given critical value and the frequency at which the debris-flow occurs depends on geological...

Sacramento River Environmental Requirements
Environmental requirements have altered bank protection engineering and construction on the Sacramento River, California. Conflicts between public safety and environmental protection remain...

The Rokko Island Line of the Kobe New Transit System
Because Rokko Island was planned to be a mini-city with all the typical urban functions, it was essential to provide a means of transportation connecting it with the existing urban center...

Transportation Management Systems?The Key to Efficiency
Federal, State, and local governments are under increasing pressure to balance their budgets and cut costs while at the same time respond to public demands for quality services. The current...

Commercial Aviation Maintenance
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issues regulations and advisories for commercial airlines which establish the basis of the aviation maintenance and inspection programs. Commercial...

Congestion Pricing with Tolls and Subsidies
Though economists have promoted congestion pricing for many years it has, in general, met with public opposition. It is usually argued that congestion pricing is unfair, discriminatory,...

Coordination of ISTEA?1991 Management Systems
Following the successful development and implementation of pavement management concepts, the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) contains the provision that...

Real Time Public Transport Information Systems in SCOPE
The objective of this work is to demonstrate the use of Advanced Transport Telematics (ATT) in a multimodal transport environment. The focus of the work is on the integration of ATT methods...

An environmental impact statement that takes several years to complete can demoralize the staffers behind a transportation project and reduce public support for the effort. In a hurry...

An Introduction to APM Systems and Applications
An Automated People Mover (APM) is an advanced transportation system in which automated driveless vehicles operate on fixed guideways in exclusive rights-of-way. These differ from other...

Reflections on the New Systems Study Project
1993 marks the 25th anniversary of the New Systems Study Project. This project produced a report from President Johnson to the Congress entitled....

The Development of Public Transport Systems for Urban Areas and the Relation with People Movers
The development of new public transport concepts for urban areas has to be related to problems in this field. Therefore on the one hand in a systematic way an inventory is made of the...

A Vision for 21st Century Guided Transit
The design characteristics for 21st century fixed guideway transit are discussed. A system concept responsive to passengers' needs is envisioned. The concept ignores traditional boundaries...

The Fundamental Gap in Urban Transportation
This is not a technical paper. It is perspective paper, designed to detail the failure of current urban transportation strategies and call for new thinking and action responsive to the...

Comparative Analysis of Different Systems for a New Rail Line in Copenhagen, Denmark
A new Mass Transit System is to be built in Copenhagen, Denmark. The Copenhagen Public Bus Company, HT, and the Danish State Railways, DSB, have each carried out feasibility studies. Conventional...

Integrating Waiting Time in the Design of a Transportation System for Short to Intermediate Distances
This paper addresses passenger perceptions of short to medium distance public transportation systems. The concept of the weighted total transportation time (WTTT) is introduced, integrating...

A Public Transport System Based on Light Electric Cars
This paper presents the concept under development in France of a novel transportation system based on fleet of small public cars under supervision from a central computer. These public...

Concept of a Polycentric Metropolitan Area with Automated People-Movers
The general equation of mobility is used to understand the development of urban systems. Using iterative methods it is shown that the town planning criterion used currently gives rise...

Intermodal Transit Station Computer Simulation Model
The specifications and features of an Intermodal Transit Station simulation model are discussed, including train schedule data base preparation, ticketing and baggage claim processing,...





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