Coming This Year: Reusable Link with Space
Scheduled for launch in early 1980, the Space Shuttle is the first reusable space vehicle. It will reduce space flight cost, saving an estimated $11.2 billion between 1980 and 1991. This...

Analytical Methods in Transportation: Planning a Grading Operation for Least Total Cost
Originally published in Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, Vol. 89, No. 6, November/December 1963, pp. 47-66...

Intermediate Service Levels in Water Distribution
This paper is concerned with design standards for secondary water distribution networks. Based on field studies in the Middle East and Africa, mathematical equations were developed for...

What Contractors Think About Prefabricated Piping
Among 190 of the largest users of pipe, 77% now use large-scale prefabricated piping. These users report an average saving, using prefabricated pipe versus conventional pipe, of 23%. Before...

Peer Review: Old Concept in New Situations
In the past, clients treated their engineering consultants as the fallible human beings they are. No longer is this true. Today there is more pressure, by clients and courts, for error-free...

What's New in Concrete and Concrete Floors�
What's new in concrete and concrete floors? Dig into that subject and you find that among the most interesting and important recent developments are (1)Post-tensioned flat...

West Coast Consulting Firm Gets Large Minicomputer to Keep Pace with Growth
This article tells the story of computer use in a medium-sized consulting engineering firm in the water resources field, Boyle Engineering Co., of Newport Beach, Calif. In the mid 1960's,...

What's New in Roofing�
For 75 years the waterproof membranes in roofs were made the same way�layers of bitumen alternating with layers of felt. Now for the first time prefabricated membranes of synthetics are...

U.K. Tunnelling Costs Halved by Use of Unbolted Concrete Lining Segments
Britain now has more than 25 years experience in the development of precast tunnel linings, for tunnels in clay. These linings are expanded directly against the ground. Under suitable...

Newark Airport Pilots Cost-Saving Runway Paving Concept
The NYC Met Section nominee for the 1978 Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award was the expansion of Newark International Airport. The $200 million redevelopment included a new...

Building New Bridges from Old
The Duluth, Missabe and Iron Range Railway Co. needed a new 150-ft (64-m) two-span railroad bridge. Minimum time and low cost were the demands. In response, the designers used steel girders...

Direct Filtration�� Past, Present, Future
The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974 for the first time established national drinking water standards on turbidity and other drinking water characteristics. Up until that time, the accepted...

Aerated-Pile Composting: A Promising New Alternative for Sewage Sludge Disposal
In the past several years, traditional methods of sludge disposal such as incineration and ocean dumping have come under fire from environmental groups and the EPA. This has sparked a...

Energy Facilities Going Underground
Environmental pressures, combined with continuing development of hard-rock excavation techniques, have turned attention to the placement of major engineering facilities underground. Primary...

Old Roads Never Die, They are Just Recycled
The cost of repairing roads has increased as asphalt is dependent on the constantly growing price of petroleum. One answer to keeping down costs is asphalt recycling. This article takes...

Can the U.S. Cope with Skyrocketing Coal Production�
Coal must become the nation's chief tool for increasing energy self-reliance. Coal is abundant. The technology to use it is available today. There is an existing production...

Making Maps by Computer
For making maps, digitizer-computer-plotter systems are increasingly popular. Here are case histories of three applications�by Brooklyn (New York City) Union Gas. Co. for keeping track...

Don't Look Up, Look Down
In response to the rising cost of energy, the designers of the Terraset Elementary School, Reston, Va., buried it under 2-3 ft of earth. The resulting high thermal mass allows the building...

Computer Slashes Time and Cost of Structural Design
An existing computer program for designing floor framing was modified to simplify usage. A preprocessor program was written to reduce the amount and complexity of the input data. A description...

Precast Liners May Cut Tunnel Cost 25%
On the Bureau of Reclamation's Buckskin Mountain's Tunnel in Arizona, the low bid was for $58,000,000, about $21,000,000 less than the low bid for design using...





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