The Impact of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake on Coastal Bluffs and Implications for Land Use Planning
The October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta earthquake caused bluff failure along 100 miles of coastline between San Francisco and central Monterey Bay in a variety of rock types and slope conditions....

Foundations and Breakaway Walls of Small Coastal Buildings in Hurricane Hugo
After Hurricane Hugo a survey of damage to small, coastal buildings was conducted in North and South Carolina. The performance of elevated foundations, breakaway walls and foundation cross...

Geotechnical Failure of Revetments
A calculation method is developed to analyse the stability of a granular subsoil underneath a revetment under wave attack. This method leads to a minimum revetment weight per square meter...

Numerical Modelling of Lower Lias Rock Failures in the Coastal Cliffs of South Wales
A model has been developed to evaluate slope failure in the interbedded limestone and mudstone Lower Lias series which outcrop for some 30 km in coastal South Wales. Computer simulation...

Permeability of Cement Grout Plugs in Basaltic Rocks
Flow tests have been conducted on expansive cement grout plugs with diameters of 160 mm and 200 mm, and length-to-diameter ratios of one, in boreholes in basalt blocks, and in steel pipes....

Composite Liner, Leak Detection System, and Floating Cover for Nuclear Reactor Emergency Retention Basins
Existing reactor effluent basins are being retrofitted with composite liners, leak detection system and floating covers. Such basins have a 15-year life and remain empty until an accident...

Pressure-Time Flow Measurements Under Adverse Conditions
Theoretical analyses suggest that the pressure-time method is capable of accurately determining flow rate in the short, varying cross section, 'semi-scroll' penstocks...

Case Study: Steele Creek Dam Safety Analysis, Bristol, Tennessee
Steele Creek Dam creates a small recreational park lake before discharging into Beaver Creek a few hundred yards below the dam. Existing homes and trailers downstream from this junction...

Risk Analysis Applications for Dam Safety
Dam safety modifications are intended either to reduce the likelihood of the adverse consequences of dam failure or the magnitude of adverse consequences. For instance, widening a spillway...

Dam Safety Rehabilitation of the T.V.A. Nickajack Hydroelectric Project
Safety of its dams has always been of great concern to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). The agency has throughout its history enforced conservative designs, good construction practices,...

Brule Hydroelectric Project Inflow Design Flood Study
In 1987, Wisconsin Electric Power Company (WE) was directed by FERC to provide additional spillway capacity at it's 63-foot (19 m) high Brule Dam. Original spillway capacity...

Unique Design Used for Collapsible Gate
The collapsible gate on the Wausau Dam is unique; there is only one known that is similar in design. The collapsible gate, which looks like an inverted V, was designed by Mead and Hunt...

Penstock Rehabilitation
The deterioration of aging penstocks is a common problem at many existing hydroelectric plants. A comprehensive understanding of the physical condition and functional limitations of an...

The Development and Writing of the ASCE Manual of Practice for Steel Penstocks
The 'Manual of Practice for Steel Penstocks' is being written under the supervision of the Hydropower Committee of the ASCE Energy Division. The committee felt...

Dardanelle Turbines
The Dardanelle turbines located at river mile 205.5 of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, are experiencing an unusual amount of wear in the blade trunnion bushings. Oil...

Diagnostic Testing and Repair of Grand Rapids Generating Station's Unit Four
This paper is a case history that discusses diagnosis and correction of a variable pitch propeller type (Kaplan) hydraulic turbine problem. The turbine problem involved fatigue failures...

Evaluation of Thermoplastic Drainage Pipe Designs in Europe and North America
The last 10 years have seen significant increase in the use of plastic pipe for drainage systems in North America in comparison to Europe. Many plastic pipe products have included corrugations,...

Flow Measurement in Irrigation Practice: State-of-the-Art
State-of-the-art flow metering developments for irrigation are reviewed. Selected older methods are updated with recent improvements. These include orifice meters, venturi meters, critical-flow...

Numerical Methods for Simulating Debris Blockage Failures and Mudflows
This paper presents the procedures and results from an investigation to evaluate the hydraulic characteristics of mudflow events resulting from hypothetical failures of a debris blockage...

Field Fabrication of Reinforced Plastic Pipes
A new technology allows fabrication of reinforced plastic pipe in the field, or the lining of existing pipe. The plastic used can be selected to meet job and site requirements. The reinforcing...





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