Cyclic Streamflow Test for Validity of Randomness
Long-term Arizona runoff records used for flood insurance frequency analysis estimates are compared with long-term precipitation station records for cyclic behavior. Runoff cumulative...

Regional Flood Frequency Equations for Antelope Valley in Kern County, California
Rapid residential, commercial, and industrial development has occurred in recent years in the Antelope Valley, California. With the new development progressing at full speed, the local...

Graphical Verification of Flood Frequency Analysis
In the analysis of flood frequency data, a proper distribution must be chosen to fit the data being analyzed. A properly applied distribution can minimize errors in the extrapolation of...

Multiple Phenomena of Debris-Flow Processes: A Challenge for Hazard Assessments
Hazardous hydraulic processes associated with arid environments commonly repesent significant risks to the safety of the public. However, the public generally considers these risks to...

Design Cloudburst and Flash Flood Methodology for the Western Mojave Desert, California
A methodology was required for estimating flow in ungaged drainages. An analysis of floods in the western Mojave Desert showed that the largest events on basins below 1,500 meters MSL...

Application of Geological Information to Arizona Flood Hazard Assessment
Hydrological modeling procedures applied to regulatory flood-hazard zonation can be misapplied when assumptions concerning flood-hazardous processes are violated. Geomorphological mapping...

Sediment Sources, Transport and Delivery to an Alluvial Fan, Caliente Creek, California
Sediment delivery to a proposed flood detention reservoir site in the medial region of the Caliente Creek alluvial fan is dependant on the magnitude and duration of flood flows. Because...

Prediction of Debris Flow Prone Areas and Damage
It is very important when drawing hazard maps to estimate damage to houses from debris flow of certain fixed quantities. A debris flow disaster, which occurred in Kake Town, Hiroshima...

Graphics Advances Aid Flood Engineers
In the last decade options have been suggested to the Log-Pearson III (LP3) computation for predicting design flood behavior in semi-arid conditions. Observations from an ongoing study...

The Sorry State of Flood Hydrology in the Arid Southwest
Flood hydrology for urban areas of the arid and semiarid Southwest is in a sorry state. It is based in large part on precomputer manual methods. The state-of-the-art should move into the...

Way Against Debris Flows at China's Mountain Towns
For important protected objectives, the measures against debris flow in mountain towns should ensure all-round reliability and adopt a comprehensive system of engineering projects combined...

Design Storms and Sizing of Flood Control Facilities
Design stroms which embody the rainfall characteristics of an area are used for the sizing of drainage facilities. The selection of a design strom may significantly influence the design...

Flood Control Improvements on Alluvial Fans
Floodplain management on alluvial fans has become an increasingly important issue with continued growth and urbanization in the southwest. The design of flood control facilities for new...

Risk Analysis as a Tool to Determine Spillway Design Capacities
Lyman Dam is an earth and rockfill structure located on the Little Colorado River approximately 11 miles south and upstream of St. Johns, Arizona. Several studies examining the safety...

Example of the Stable Channel Design Approach
This paper shows an example application of a new method being packaged by the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to aid in the design of stable flood-control channels. A stable...

Environmental Design of Channels?Can It Be Done?
The importance of environmental features to channel design is generally accepted and procedures for incorporating environmental features into flood control channel design have been developed....

Stable Channel Analytical Design Method
The Flood-Control Channels Research Program is being conducted at the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station to develop systematic methods for design of stable channels for small...

Identification Techniques for Bank Erosion and Failure Processes
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has developed techniques to design small flood-control channels. A component of this research is the...

Guidance on the Selection and Use of Sediment Discharge Formulas
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the sediment function module of the computer program SAM. SAM is being developed as a product of the US Army Corps of Engineers Flood Control Channels...

Conservativeness in Hydraulic Engineering Studies
Hydraulic engineers routinely make a variety of assumptions during the course of a study. Assumptions, once made, usually become incorporated into the fabric of the study and are seldom...





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