Programmable mMicroprocessors in Local Control of Hydro Power Plants
The main purpose of the control equipment is to provide the generator with means for operation of the power station equipment. There is a need for status information on the generating...

Efficiency in Auxiliary Electrical Systems
In 1984, during the preliminary design for the proposed second powerhouse at the Corps of Engineers' McNary Dam on the Columbia River, the more recent improvements and techniques...

Generator/Motors and Adjustable-Speed Drives for Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant
This paper describes the pumping and generating units and associated electrical equipment planned for Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant. Waddell Pumped-Storage Plant is to be located near Phoenix,...

The Design and Operating Experience of a Multiplexer Application in Conventional Hydro Powerhouse Control
The design of the Bonneville Second Powerhouse control system presented an opportunity to replace conventional cables with a multiplexer system that would provide a two-way data communication...

Integrated Automatic Hydroelectric Plant Control
The increased acceptance and employment of microcomputers to control specific functions in small hydroelectric plants has led to computerized integrated total control of hydropower generation....

Voltage Versus Var/Power Factor Regulation on Hydro Generators
When paralleled to the utility bus, synchronous generators can be controlled using either terminal voltage or var/power factor regulation. Selection is dependent upon the size of the generator...

Large Low-Speed Generators with Skewed Supporting Parts
During the past decade, the demand for hydro-generators has been for increasingly high ratings, up to the present maximum of about 800 MVA. These low-speed machines have rotor diameters...

Control and Tests of Tims Ford Induction Generator
This paper will discuss the electrical control scheme and commissioning tests developed for a small induction generator installed by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) at its Tims Ford...

Electrical Equipment for Pumped Storage Plants
Selection of generator/motors and other electrical equipment for pumped storage plants requires consideration significantly different than for conventional hydro plants. This is particularly...

Influence of Surface Finish on Thrust Bearing Life
The original pivoted pad thrust bearing installed and fitted at the Holtwood Power Station in 1912 by A. Kingsbury has been operating continuously since that time without any difficulty....

What is Wrong with our Hydro Generators?
A number of studies have already been presented on the refurbishment and modernization of hydro facilities and also the design and upgrading of the generators. This paper will partly deal...

McNary Powerhouse Generating Unit 14 Stator Core and Winding Replacement
The powerhouse contains 14 main generating Kaplan-blade units, each rated at 73,684 kVA at 0. 95 power factor. In early 1985 the decision to rewind and uprate Unit 14 was being finalized....

Accelerated Life Testing of Generator Coils
This paper presents a step-by-step procedure for doing a 400 hour, 60 Hz, 90 degree C accelerated life test on generator coils. Test procedure is as follows: 1. Initial coil examination...

Fretting Corrosion on Large Split Thrust Bearing Runners
In the early fifties interfacial slip was measured on laboratory models. Design improvements, resulting from these tests, were incorporated into later machines. These improvements appreciably...

Small Hydrodevelopment: An Owners Perspective?El Vado, New Mexico Hydroelectric Project
The construction of the El Vado Hydroelectric Project posed several unique problems. The joint ownership of the dam between a Federal and State agency was unique to the region. The proposal...

Construction of Upper Stillwater Dam
This paper describes the equipment, placing methods, and peak production rates from the contractor's viewpoint for both the Roller Compacted Concrete and the Slipformed Facing...

Corps of Engineers Experience with RCC Pavements
Roller compacted concrete pavements were first developed in the U. S. by the Corps of Engineers in 1975. Since that time, RCC pavements have been constructed throughout much of the U....

Equipment Automation and Its Impact on Construction Technology
The Naval Construction Force is facing a shortage with their horizontal construction capability and their equipment is not designed to function in a modern war environment. One solution...

Monitoring of a Gas Main During Construction
This paper focuses on the task of formulating and implementing a viable plan for protecting an existing gas main located in a construction site where construction activities include excavation,...

Impact of International Competitiveness on Construction Technology
Both international and domestic construction markets are changing and forcing changes in construction technology. These proceedings contain six papers from an ASCE technical session on...





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