Evaluating the Steady State Stochastic Dynamic Programming Model for the High Aswan Dam
The paper describes the results of a study to critically evaluate and test the Steady State Stochastic Dynamic Programming model (SSDP). Whenever a reservoir computer model is developed,...

Success Syndrome: The Collapse of the Dee Bridge
Scaling up existing successful designs can cause latent weaknesses to become dominant, leading to catastrophe. By studying past failures where this has happened--for example, the 1847...

Managing Uncertainty in Project Planning and Execution: Introduction and Overview
This paper provides an introduction and overview of topics that are relevant to project design and management under conditions of uncertainty, with an emphasis on civil engineering projects....

Functional Analysis of the Envelope Design Process for Integrated Building Design
Building envelope failures account for a great portion of building failures. The number of envelope deficiencies would be reduced if the design process was integrated. Integration would...

Computer Applications in Liquefaction Analysis
This paper discusses the applications of total and effective stress based computer programs for liquefaction analysis. A total stress based computer program, SHAKE in conjunction with...

Object-Oriented Structural Analysis with Substructures
Computer-aided structural analysis is a mature field. However, recent research has produced advances in the areas of automated modeling, multi-processing, and programming techniques. The...

An Object-Oriented Approach for Reinforced Concrete Design
The use of the object-oriented programming approach in developing applications for the analysis and design of reinforced concrete members is discussed. Two object oriented programming...

Concurrent E-I Algorithm in Structural Dynamics
A concurrent explicit-implicit algorithm for time integration of the differential equations arising from a finite element discretization is described. The first step of the method consists...

Nonlinear Analysis of Structural Frameworks Using Supercomputing Techniques
Applications of vectorization and the parallel processing technique of multitasking in the elastic nonlinear analysis of building frameworks are presented. The proposed algorithm is implemented...

How Many Observation Wells Does it Take to Find a Groundwater Contamination Plume?
A Bayesian data worth framework is developed to balance the benefits and costs of data collection. In addition to Bayesian decision analysis, tools from Monte Carlo simulation, numerical...

Linguistic Analysis of Risk in Project Planning
Construction risk analysis models are mainly based on quantitative techniques which require numerical data. However, in many cases, the available information related to uncertainty factors...

TIGER and Census Bureau Data in a GIS: A Powerful Combination for Civil Engineers
TIGER is the acronym the Census Bureau crated to identify its computerized geographic support system: the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing System. Although...

Computer Model for Infiltration System Design
This paper describes a personal computer model which was developed to assist in the design and analysis of infiltration systems. The systems included in the model are infiltration basins,...

An Information Engineering Approach for Environmental Impact Assessment and Monitoring Program
Environmental impact assessment studies cover a number of activities for: data collection, data analysis, numerical modeling, system monitoring, and regulation compliance. The diversified...

Intelligent Design and Remediation of Shallow Landfill Burial Systems
The SLEUTH (Shallow Landfill Evaluation Using Transport and Hydrology) prototype decision support system (DSS) has been developed for design and remediation of shallow landfill burial...

The MOUSE Uncertainty Analysis System
MOUSE (Modular Oriented Uncertainty SystEm) is a Monte Carlo based simulation system designed to deal with the problem of uncertainties in Environmental engineering calculations, such...

A Decision Support System for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management Using a Distributed Model-GIS-DBMS Linkage
Methods were developed for directly linking the distributed parameter model, AGNPS with a GIS and a relational database management system (RDBMS) to investigate a nonpoint source pollution...

Selection of Earth Retention Systems Using Expert System
The development of the selection module in a knowledge-based expert system REtaining STructure EXpert (RESTEX) for automated selection, design and analysis of earth retention systems is...

Case-Based Design in the SEED System
We present the requirements for case-based design in a software environment to support the early phases in building design and outline an approach to satisfy them. We briefly discuss implementation...

FEM in a Design Code Environment
The results obtained from the use of finite element based analysis tools have created a new problem for designer: Which numbers do we use to check against Code limits? Most of the commonly...





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