FERC's Experience in Analyzing Cumulative Impacts
Since the mid-1980's, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) has assessed cumulative impacts associated with developing proposed hydropower projects. A brief...

Balancing Hydropower Development in the Ohio River Basin
A large number of retrofit hydroelectric projects have been proposed at existing navigation dams in the Ohio River basin. These proposals involve potentially adverse environmental impacts,...

National Water Conference
This book contains papers presented at the ASCE National Water Conference held at the University of Delaware, Newark, DE, July 17-20, 1989. The National Water Conference was cosponsored...

Water Use by Naturally Occurring Vegetation
An Annotated Bibliography
This report was prepared by the Task Committee on Water Requirements of Natural Vegetation Committee, a special subcommittee of the Committee on Irrigation Water Requirements, Irrigation...

Tunnel Maintenance Operations
Maintenance considerations during both the design and operational phases are very important to good tunnel maintenance. The use of proper materials able to withstand the rigorous environment...

An Approach to Addressing Interactive Effects of Multiple Hydro Projects in a River Basin
Cumulative effects issues continue to arise, not only related to multiple small hydro projects, but also to multiple relicensing of major projects, development of multiple projects at...

Cumulative Impact Assessment: Application of a Methodology
The authors expanded upon the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) Cluster Impact Assessment Procedure (CIAP) to provide a practical methodology for assessing potential...

The Council's Strategy for Improving Fish Passage
The Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program was developed by the Northwest Power Planning Council in 1982 and amended in 1984 and 1987. The program is likely the largest ongoing...

A Juvenile Fish Bypass Program at Columbia River Basin Projects
Hydroelectric development in the Pacific Northwest region has altered the natural flow of the Columbia River and its major tributary, the Snake River. This has proven to be detrimental...

Managing for Multiple Uses?Theory and Practice
One of the gratest challenges given to reservoir operators is to provide an operating regime that will accomplish the objectives for which the project was constructed. This is important...

Hydropower Development of China's Yangtze River
The Yangtze has eight times the hydro potential of the Columbia River basin, currently the largest developed hydro system in the world. In order to pursue economic development through...

Estimating Streamflow Characteristics for Micro-hydro Sites in Northwestern Oregon
Assessing hydropower potential requires knowledge of the streamflow characteristics at prospective sites. Gaging stations are often unavailable. A method for estimating streamflow characteristics...

Bath County Tunnel System/Remedial Treatment Program
The Bath County Pumped Storage Project, owned jointly by Virginia Electric and Power Company and Allegheny Generating Company, is located 70 miles (112 km) north of Roanoke, Virginia....

Pontook Hydroelectric Project?A Turnkey Case Study
This paper is presented in two parts. The first, presented by B. H. Adams, gives a general overview of the Pontook Project including major physical features and the financed turnkey approach...

Evaluating Sinkhole Hazards in Mantled Karst Terrane
Sinkholes are the most serious geologic hazard in karst terrane because they can damage structures, drain ponds and lakes, and allow direct infiltration of groundwater contamination. The...

Flow Behavior of Kinked Strip Drains
Due to the often expressed concern over the axial deformation of strip drains and the resulting impact on flow rate, this study has been undertaken. A laboratory experiment has been constructed,...

Irrigation-Induced Contamination Problems
At the Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in the San Joaquin Valley of California, severe fish and wildlife problems (waterfowl mortality, embryonic deformities, and reproductive failures)...

Regional Water Cooperation: An Alternative to Interbasin Transfer
Due to political and environmental impacts interbasin transfer is often regarded as an undesirable alternative for water supply development. However, water authorities will pursue interbasin...

Rehabilitation Strategies for Urban Drainage Systems?A European Perspective
Rehabilitation of urban drainage system is needed in many old European cities. This is in part due to the required structural upgrading of the existing sewerage system. But rehabilitation...

TRUMPET: A TR20plus Watershed Model?Version 1.04
The TRUMPET watershed model is a microcomputer application which expands upon the widely used SCS TR20 hydrology computer program by providing user-friendly, interactive input and file...





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