Bulk Stomatal Resistance in Operational Estimates of Evapotranspiration
General relationships for estimating canopy or bulk stomatal resistance and aerodynamic resistances of grass and alfalfa reference crops for use in the Penman-J.L. Monteith equation are...

Ultrasonic Flow Meter Testing
Six ultrasonic flow meters were tested in a hydraulics laboratory. Accuracies better than 2% were obtained with two transit-time meters on 14 inch diameter steel tubing. Poorer accuracies...

Visual Estimates of Flume and Weir Operating Conditions
Laboratory studies were conducted on a rectangular broad-crested weir to determine the effects of entrance and exit conditions on the prediction of discharge and required energy loss....

Achieving Accurate Irrigation Water Measurements with Propeller Meters
Propeller meters are now being used extensively to help quantify and manage the huge but poorly distributed water supplies available to irrigated agriculture in the western states. Careful...

Flow Measurement Using a Digital Pressure-Time Method
This paper describes flow measurements performed by TVA's Engineering Laboratory as a part of absolute efficiency measurements of the two units at the Great Falls Hydro Plant....

Instrumentation for a Dry-Pond Detention Study
A 12.3-acre, fully urbanized, residential land-use catchment was instrumented by the U. S. Geological Survey in Topeka, Kansas. Hydraulic instrumentation for flow measurement includes...

Initiation of Density Currents in Diverging Channels: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Data
The transition from free surface channel flow to a submerged density current has been investigated in the laboratory. A set of field data has been collected at a wastewater effluent site....

An Alternate Theory of Density Current Propagation
Density current propagation has been previously analyzed by employing a one-dimensional momentum balance in a frame of reference moving with the density current head. Experimental data...

Interfacial Instabilities Associated with Density Currents
Three-dimensional behavior of density currents flowing down a sloping surface has been analytically and experimentally investigated. Attention has been given to the presence of interfacial...

Alluvial Fan Flooding and Development Alternatives
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) utilizes a methodology which examines the probability of an incised channel forming at any given location across the fan, in consideration...

Sediment Discharge Measurement with a Point Sampler
A procedure for measuring total sediment discharge using point-source suspended-sediment data was developed. The proposed procedure, Total Sediment Discharge (TSD), was tested with field...

Runoff Simulation, Homestake II Project
Wetlands issues raised in connection with the proposed Homestake II Project required an extremely detailed evaluation of basin hydrology. The Subalpine Water Balance Model (WATBAL) was...

Kankakee Dam Discharge Characteristics
The low-head dam on the Kankakee River has flashboards which are installed as the discharge decreases in early summer, to maintain the upstream pool level. In response to concern over...

Local Scour Downstream of a Tunnel Outlet Structure
The local scour downstream of two different types of outlet structures is studied in laboratory experiments with an alluvial sediment. The outlet structure terminates a hydraulic model...

Importance of Density Gradient Terms in Estuaries
In estuaries classified as well-mixed or unstratified, two-dimensional depth averaged models have often been applied with the density considered as constant. Calculations, based on measured...

Corps of Engineers EM 1110-2-4000 Chapter 3?Sediment Yield
This paper overviews the chapter on sediment yield, one of the three technical chapters of this new design manual. Corps methods to determine sediment yield primarily feature the use of...

Physical River Model Results and Prototype Response
The Hydraulics Laboratory of the US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (WES) has performed physical hydraulic model studies on various rivers for nearly 60 years. These studies...

Discharge Characteristics of Rectangular Profiled Weirs
This paper contains the results of a detailed experimental program carried out to define the discharge characteristics of rectangular profiled weirs. The flow region where the discharge...

Measurement and Analysis of Tracfcfifc-Induced Transient Motion in Navigation Channels
Two-induced physical effects related to navigation changes on the Kanawha River, West Virginia were measured at three environmentally sensitive representative locations. The purpose of...

Discharge Measurement by Thermal Dilution
A flume study was conducted to develop and improve the thermal dilution method of discharge measurement in trapezodial channels. The study was performed in an indoor channel with dischages...





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