Snow and Ice Control in Japan and United States
Both Japan and the United States experience severe winter conditions that require major resources and large expenditures for maintaining highways. The maritime climate that prevails in...

Interactive Digital Image Feature Analysis as Applied to Cement and Concrete Microstructural Investigations
A novel procedure involves interactive chemical image analysis of separable features in the backscattered image. In this procedure a backscatter image is acquired by the image analysis...

Use of Self-Cementing Fly Ashes as a Soil Stabilization Agent
Fly ash produced in the combustion of subbituminouns coals exhibits self-cementing characteristics that can be adapted to a wide range of stabilization applications. Ash treatment can...

Treatment of Calcareous Expansive Clays
The geology, climatic condition and the environment of extreme disintegration, strong hydration and restrained leaching have a large influence on the formation of expansive clays in the...

The Copper-Clad Library
The design vocabulary for the new Phoenix Central Library includes saddlebags, power bellies, tensegrity and corrugated siding. The saddlebags are copper-clad, steel-framed core structures...

Whose Risk Is It, Anyway?
Near the now-closed Smuggler Mine in Aspen, Colo. toxic lead sits beneath the grass of area residents' yards. A major portion of soil in the area has lead above the EPA action...

Hong Kong's Wastewater Underground
Standard Hong Kong methods for siting the new $18 million Stanley Wastewater Treatment Plant in Hong Kong Island's South District were running into trouble. The rocky coastal...

Exchanging Wastes
For several years, thousands of cubic yards of dried sludge have been stockpiled at the Greater Peoria Sanitary District's wastewater-treatment plant in Peoria, Ill., because...

Small Systems Struggle
Across the U.S., small communities are caught in a bind. Local governments bear the primary day-to-day burden of caring for public works, responsible for 70% of the nation's...

Review of NPP Concrete Degradation Factors and Assessment Methods
Degradation of concrete in nuclear power plant (NPP) structures can be an age-related phenomena. Several research programs have been initiated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission...

Value Engineering at a Superfund Site
The Helen Kramer Landfill ranked fourth on the EPA's National Priorities List and the estimated cost of clean up was about $39 million. By value engineering selected parts...

Controlling Nitrogen in Coastal Waters
Excess nitrogen in coastal waters is becoming a problem worldwide. Nutrients such as nitrogen come from sewage treatment plants, septic tanks, runoff from fertilizer and animal waste,...

Motown Tunneling
When finished in 1993, Wayne County Michigan's $69 million wastewater treatment/sewer project will link outlying areas such as Dearborn with sewage treatment facilities in...

Densification/Creep Behavior of Experimental Glass-Ceramic Waste Forms for Immobilization of High-Level Calcined Waste at the Idaho Chemical Processing Plant
A mixture of simulated high-level calcined waste (HLW) and Frit additives was hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) to a dense glass-ceramic waste form. A densification mapping software was...

Random Initial Heterogeneity and Degradation in Brittle Materials
The question of implementation of the initial state of the material is addressed. The problem is tackled by assuming random initial values for a relevant variable, within a prespecified...

The Small Mars Rover
Mars rover is one of the principal technical means intended for studying the surface of Mars. The first Mars rover was delivered to the Mars surface in 1971 and was designed for studying...

Indigenous Planetary Construction Material Through Soil Modification
This paper will discuss the theory of soil modification and its potentials for producing planetary construction materials. The authors will also present the results of prelimnary experriments...

Chemical Analysis in Space Exploration: A Lunar-based Chemical Analysis Laboratory (LBCAL)
Many questions need to be answered before humans can be supported for extended periods in space - an environment inimical to terrestrial life. While some questions of a physiological nature...

Analysis of Two Lunar Oxygen Production Processes
Frequently, chemical engineers must evaluate processes, design systems, and size equipment based on a chemical or physical reaction without the benefit of laboratory data or previous industrial...

A Modified Sulfate Process to Lunar Oxygen
A modified sulfate process which produces oxygen from iron oxide-bearing minerals in lunar soil is under development. Reaction rates of ilmenite in varying strength sulfuric acid have...





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