Submarine Sand Ridges: Unique Marine Environment and Natural Resources
Submarine sand ridges are large scale depositional sandy bodies on the inner shallow water continental shelves, which are mostly distributed in the macro tide area where the mobile sandy...

Review of Recent Coastal Research in the Soviet Union
Information about sediment suspension regularities, their distribution in the water column and ways of sediment transport is indispensible for the solution of ecological and sea culture...

Distribution and Developing Trace of Productive Forces in China Coastal Development Zones
Following the setting up of special economic zones in 1979 and the opening of the 14 coastal port cities in 1984 in China, 14 economic and technological development zones were set up one...

Destruction Caused by Hurricane Hugo: A Timber Resources Damage Assessment in a Coastal Region
Damage assessments of large areas impacted by intense natural storms can be difficult. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the area and amount of damage to pine forests within...

How to Pay for Coastal Protection: Governmental Approaches
Beach erosion is a major problem in the United States, particularly in California. At the same time, coastal resource protection is becoming increasingly expensive as state and federal...

Estimation of Overwash Bore Velocities Using Video Techniques
Overwash data were collected at a site on the Isles Dernieres, LA barrier island chain during Hurricane Gilbert in September 1988. A video technique was applied that allowed the quantification...

Phase Speed and Angle of Breaking Waves Measured with Video Techniques
The phase speed and incident angle of breaking surface gravity waves in the surf zone are measured using video processing techniques. The analysis of video data follows two lines. The...

Bedload Transport Measurement by Imaging of Tracers
A dyed-sand tracer technique is developed for investigation of bedload under laboratory oscillatory flows. Imaging of the tracer with high speed photography allows the creation of time...

Fine Grain Sediment Transport and Deposition in the Atchafalaya and Chenier Plain Sedimentary System
The most extensive land loss and land accretion processes in the U.S. are occuring in the Mississippi River Delta Plain. Some 40 square miles of valuable marshlands are lost annually....

Conglomeratic Shoreface Deposits from the Cretaceous Cardium Formation, Alberta, Canada
Conglomeratic shoreface deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Cardium Formation are well exposed at an outcrop in northwestern Alberta. The conglomerates there compose over 80% of the total...

Geologic Framework and Depositional History of the Southeastern Texas Coast
Effective management of coastal resources and accurate prediction of future land losses are impeded by the lack of geologic framework investigations that link coastal processes with depositional...

Implications of Accelerated Sea-Level Rise on Louisiana Coastal Environments
Natural and human-induced processes have combined to produce high rates of relative sea-level rise and coastal land loss in Louisiana. This paper presents historical trends in sea-level...

Computer Simulation Modeling of Ebb-Tidal Deltas
An ebb-tidal delta simulation model has been developed incorporating gross features of delta and channel morphologies which can be measured from vertical aerial photographs. Delta and...

Thoughts on Large Scale Coastal Behavior
Large scale coastal behaviour (LSCB) deals with the development of coastal profiles and sediment budgets of a large coastal stretch (order tens of km's) over a considerable...

Erosion and Accretion Along the Arctic Coast of Alaska: The Influence of Ice and Climate
Coastline comparison on 1951 and 1981 charts to determine erosion and accretion showed that ocean-facing coastal bluffs were retreating while deltas were rapidly expanding. Where the coast...

Large-Scale Coastal Evolution of Louisiana's Barrier Islands
The prediction of large-scale coastal change is an extremely important, but distant goal. Here we describe some of our initial efforts in this direction, using historical bathymetric information...

Sea-Cliff Erosion Along the Oregon Coast
Sea-cliff erosion is a problem along the coast of Oregon in that many communities have been built on terraces affected by bluff retreat. There is considerable coast-wide variability in...

Mechanisms of Coastal Cliff Erosion in Ceredigion, West Wales, UK
Investigation of cliff recession along 20km of the West Wales coastline has recognised erosion processes and mechanisms. Mean contemporary recession rates of 13cm/year have been measured...

Spit Formation in Lake and Bay
A technique of superimposing beach profiles, as a method for analyzing the characteristics and deformation process of a sand spit topography, is proposed, and the morphological changes...

Coastal Impacts of Hurricane Hugo
During the early morning hours of 22 September 1989, Hurricane Hugo made landfall on the South Carolina Coast. Hugo was a Category 4 hurricane at time of landfall with estimated maximum...





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