The Benefit of Utilizing Case Specific Modelling and Data to Determine Effluent Limitations
This abstract refers to the results of a normal conservative approach to a more realistic, substantiated approach to determining effluent limitations. The new approach was used to establish...

Development of a Coastal Oil Spill Model
An integrated coastal oil spill model (designated 'SMEAR') is being developed for Minerals Management Service, Alaska, with broad application to all coastal environments....

Simulating Nonpoint Source Runoff to Coastal Waters
The simulation of nonpoint source runoff to coastal waters is based on data requirements of land use, soil type. Evapotranspiration and runoff capacity are determined from terrestrial...

Urban Waterfronts: Does Every Use Have a Place?
This paper is a comparison of different state definitions and techniques used to manage competing uses on the waterfront. Every use does have a place on the waterfront. But that place...

Developing Oceanfront Hotels on Built-Up Coasts: Resolving Public Access, Natural Hazards, and Community Character Conflicts
In the mid 1980s, a resurgence of hotel development took place along the oceanfront of the northern shore of New Jersey, a 35 mile reach of barrier spits and headlands intensely developed...

Changing Waterfront Uses on the River Clyde, Scotland: A Preliminary Survey
The River Clyde in Scotland was renowned for its shipbuilding and shipping facilities. However, dislocations combined with government policy have forced since the early 1960's...

Study on Formation of Waterfront Community?Understanding Waterfront Space Characteristics
The effective development of the waterfront should optimize properties of the waterfront, resulting in activation of urban districts. For this purpose, rehabilitation of the district by...

Protection of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Historic Cape Hatteras Lighthouse has recently become threatened by shoreline erosion. Shore protection measures for the lighthouse are summarized and shoreline changes and erosion rates...

Mitigation Features for Marinas
The John Wayne Marina was permitted for construction only after certain design features were altered to accommodate major biological and water quality concerns. The moorage basin was relocated...

North Fraser Harbour Environmental Management Plan
In April 1985, the North Fraser Harbour Commission (NFHC) initiated work to establish an environmental management program for the North Fraser Harbour to be jointly administered by the...

Public Access on Private Property in New York City
The New York City Waterfront Revitalization Program (WRP) was approved by the city's governing body, and the New York State Secretary of State in 1982. The WRP established...

Marine Resource Management in the Java Sea
The pressures on the resources of the southern Java Sea along the north coast of Java are probably greater than anywhere else in the country, and some of the resources have certainly suffered...

Oil Pollution in Suexz Gulf of the Red Sea
The population along the Red Sea coast is small, but this sea is now one of the most important areas in the world, for it is the route for ships using the Suez Canal. Many vessels transit...

Utilization of Islands Off an Urban Waterfront: The Case of Singapore
The major oil refineries of Singapore are located on the Bukom and the Ayer Chawan groups of islands. Other southern islands have been exclusively developed for tourist and recreational...

Jean Lafitte's Real Legacy and Treasure
The Barataria Estuarine System is part of the Mississippi River which swept back and forth across Louisiana for thousands of years. Barataria Bay no longer receives the enrichment of the...

Sea Level Changes: A Corps of Engineers Perspective
The purpose of this discussion paper is to review current Corps of Engineers policy in relation to a possible significant increase in general sea level. A significant relative sea level...

Beach Restoration Criteria Based on Algae Hydrodynamics
The presence of algae might aggravate the already existing difficulties in beach restoration. The aim of this paper is to present additional beach restoration criteria based on algae hydrodynamics...

Influence on the Extension of Ondarroa Harbor on Adjacent Beaches
The present article deals with the analysis of the influence of the different Ondarroa Harbour extensions on the adjacent beaches by using a semi-movable model test. These model tests...

Monitoring of Coastal Environment for its Management
The paper briefly explains the features of four coastal laboratories established along the southwest coast of India in 1980 and the data gathered by them during 1980-84. Four coastal piers...

Sea Level Change and Coastal Geomorphology of Padre Island, Mexico
Extending some 244 km from the Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) on the north to the mouth of the Rio Soto la Marina (at La Pesca) on the south, Padre Island, Mexico is comprised locally of several...





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