Owens Valley, California Basin Management to Meet Both Water Resources and Environmental Goals
The City of Los Angeles imports over 60 percent of its water supply from the Owens River Watershed as part of the resources used in serving 3. 5 million people. As part of this operation,...

Hydraulic Modeling for Ecological Research
Because of the problems and expenses of a continuous data collection program for large rivers, it was decided to develop an integrated hydrodynamic and biological model for the Illinois...

Assessment of Drought Restriction Needs in New Jersey
Due to insufficient rainfall and related runoff during the spring of 1985, the Passaic and Hackensack River Basins in northern New Jersey and related storage reservoirs therein were able...

Classification and Behavior of Meander Migration
Meander migrations on the Mississippi River between Cairo, Illinois and Baton Rouge, Louisiana for the time period between the years 1765 and 1930 were classified into six categories based...

Continuous Modelling of Downstream River Erosion Caused by 40 Years of Urbanization
The US EPA Stormwater Management Model (SWMM3) was installed on an IBM-PC compatible network. The adapted program, known as PCSWMM3, and incorporating a simple algorithm for modelling...

Effects of Agriculture on Ground-Water Quality in Dade County, Florida
Multidepth wells at five test fields and a monitoring network of water-table wells in Dade County, Florida, were sampled twice during 1985 to determine concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus,...

Ground Water Strategy in California
There is great debate over when and how much new water California needs. Yet of the backbone supply, wells that could serve over 1 million people have been either removed from use or blended...

A New Dam in California?Piece-of-Cake!
It initially appeared that a series of insurmountable roadblocks would prevent the City of Morro Bay from constructing a new dam and water supply reservoir on San Bernardo Creek near the...

Interaction Between the Technical and Political Processes in Solving Flooding Problems at the Great Salt Lake, Utah
The Great Salt Lake occupies the lowest point in a drainage basin of approximately 22,000 mi**2 (57000 km**2). Inflows to the lake occur as surface runoff, groundwater flows, and precipitation...

Orleans Parish Drainage Improvements
A case study of the development of an urban drainage master plan for Orleans Parish, Louisiana is presented. The Parish, which occupies an area of approximately 98,000 acres, lies entirely...

Water Resources Strategy - Chicago
Starting in the 1960's, a series of water quality and water resources studies focused on the problems of the Chicago metropolitan area. Some of these studies were among the...

Evaluation of PCP/Oil Spill on CFT Indian Reservation Near Nespelem, Washington
This paper presents the immediate action taken, the field work performed, and the engineering analysis performed in response to a spillage of a solution of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and...

Use of Stochastic Hydrology in Reservoir Operation
The Bureau of Reclamation is incorporating stochastic traces to provide a broader basis for management decisions during drought periods for the Central Valley Project in California. A...

Taming a Pipe Network Analysis Computer Program
The use of a conventional network analysis computer program as an effective evaluation tool for routine operation of an existing water distribution system has several practical limitations...

Automated Control for Central Arizona Project Distribution Systems
Computer based automatic control for three extensive open channel water distribution systems is described. Radio telemetry allows a central computer to execute control logic at individual...

Trash Busters ? A Comparison of Screening Structures for Irrigation Systems
Several irrigation districts in the Pacific Northwest have recently installed screening structures for use in removal of trash from canals, rivers, or reservoirs. Some of the screens have...

Monitoring Groundwater Quality in the Southwest
Monitoring groundwater quality near sources of pollution in the southwest commonly involves highly productive alluvial aquifers. Experience in monitoring in such a setting indicates that...

Evolution of Water Organisations in England and Wales
Although by the early 1960's there was in existence a large body of legislation dealing with water matters, the Water Resources Act 1963 provided for the first time a significent...

Garrison Diversion Unit?An Example of United States-Canada Cooperative Investigation
Canada and United States have cooperated in the investigation of disputed international waters on numerous occasions. The study of the Garrison Diversion unit is an example of an exhaustive...

The Changing Objectives of Garrison Diversion Unit
Construction of the 101,000-hectare initial stage Garrison Diversion Unit was authorized in August 1965 as a feature of the Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program for irrigation and other purposes....





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