An Approach to Quality-Orientated Management of Catchment Areas with Artificial Ground Water Recharge
In the Federal Republic of Germany the artificial ground water recharge is primarily used to replenish the ground water resources for municipal drinking water supply. Only in some cases...

Artificial Recharge to the Floridan Aquifer System, Orlando Area, Central Florida
Approximately 400 drainage wells exist in Orange County, central Florida. The rate of recharge through drainage wells is limited by the rate of surface flow to the wells; the hydraulic...

A Review of Factors Affecting Recovery of Freshwater Stored in Saline Aquifers
A simulation analysis reported previously, and summarized herein, identified the effects of various geohydrologic and operational factors on recoverability of the injected water. Buoyancy...

Artificial Ground Water Recharge in Southern California
This paper presents an overview of past, present, and future ground water recharge practices and looks at future plans in Southern California. Types of sites discussed include basins,...

Conjunctive-Use Opportunities in Southern California
Increasing demands for water in Southern California, coupled with limited imported surface water supplies, indicate a potential shortage of about 1 million acre-feet by the year 2010....

Assessment of the Adequacy of the Ground Water Monitoring Program for Artificial Recharge of Aquifers in the Los Angeles Area, California
Artificial recharge of aquifers in the Central and West Coast ground water basins of Southern California is accomplished by the application of water, including reclaimed water, to spreading...

Artificial Recharge with Imported and Reclaimed Waters in Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County
Since 1952 over 4,000,000 acre-feet of imported water and reclaimed waste water have been purchased to recharge the ground waters of the Central and West Coast Basins of Los Angeles County....

Ground Water Management: Los Angeles Coastal Plan
In the early 1950s sea water intrusion became a serious problem and led to adjudication of the ground waters and the construction of an injection barrier to sea water intrusion. The general...

Ground Water Recharge at the Orange County Water District
In the early part of the century, upstream diversions from the Santa Ana River were reducing the flows to Orange County resulting in less recharge to the Basin and increased pumping of...

Infiltration Maintenance in Recharge Facilities of Orange County Water District
The Orange County Water District manages the Orange County ground water basin in western Orange County. In the first 25 years of operation, the District made exclusive use of the Santa...

Ground Water Monitoring for Resource Management
Management of the ground water resources provided by the multi-layered aquifers underlying Orange County, California has required a new approach to ground water monitoring. The Orange...

Ground Water Basin Management and Artificial Recharge
In Coachella Valley, California, where rainfall averages only 3 inches annually, approximately 80,000 acres of crop land and 65 golf courses provide winter recreation and winter fruits...

Pioneer Conjunctive Use Program in the Southern San Joaquin Valley
The Arvin-Edison Water Storage District is located in the southern end of the San Joaquin Valley of California. The District is a pioneer in using conjunctive use operations to overcome...

City of Bakersfield 2800-Acre Ground Water Recharge Project
The City of Bakersfield situated on the Kern River in the southern San Joaquin Valley of California acquired many of the rights to the Kern River flows. The City has developed a 2800-acre...

Operation and Maintenance of Recharge Facilities
As part of its Water Resources Program, the Santa Clara Valley Water District manages the groundwater basins in Santa Clara County, California. The article describes the operations and...

Conjunctive Use in the Niles Cone, California
The use of in-stream facilities for artificial recharge in stream channels as practiced in Alameda County, California, is discussed. The facilities are (1) stream channels with no other...

Overcoming Institutional Barriers to Ground Water Banking: The Kern Water Bank
The newest facility planned for addition to the California State Water Project (SWP) is the Kern Water Bank, a proposed offstream ground water storage and extraction program in Kern County....

Artificial Recharge in Queensland, Australia
Because of the climatic conditions storages are required to utilize surface water and ground water is used extensively throughout the State. The Great Artesian Basin underlies much of...

Status and Experiences Made in the Artificial Recharge of Ground Water in the Federal Republic of Germany
With a rate of 72%, ground and spring water is the most important raw material for drinking water supply in the Federal Republic of Germany. Ground water, however, is not available everywhere...

Artificial Recharge in Finland
There are four reasons for artificial recharge of ground water in Finland: 1. The replenishment of aquifers by lake water. 2. To use aquifers as part of surface water treatment process....





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