Escaping the Niche
In today's business climate of increasing competition and shrinking markets, your company must get the most out of its marketing energy and budget. Finding new clients is...
Soil-Cover Success
After seven years of operation and extensive vertical and lateral expansions, owners of the Kingsland Park Sanitary Landfill, located in northern New Jersey's Meadowlands,...
Quest for the Perfect Cap
Exhuming and treating wastes may not always be the most effective way to remediate a site. In some cases, in-place disposal with a protective cap offers the best protection for human health...
Computer-Aided Cleanup
In late 1992, the remedial investigation of Operable Unit 2 at the Department of Energy's Fernald Superfund site in Ohio was in trouble. Despite years of effort-including...
Guide to Employment Conditions for Civil Engineers
ASCE Manual 55,
Cement Manufacture and Use
This book,
Constructed Civil Infrastructure Systems R&D
A European Perspective
This report,
Existing Sewer Evaluation and Rehabilitation
This manual,
Fracture Mechanics Applied to Geotechnical Engineering
This proceedings,
a Vision for the 21st Century
This report,
Ground Failures Under Seismic Conditions
This proceedings,
Hurricanes of 1992
Lessons Learned and Implications for the Future
In 1992, Hurricanes Andrew and Iniki devastated portions of Florida, Louisiana, and Hawaii causing over $35 billion in damages and the loss of 38 lives. Hurricane Andrew, which accounted...
In-Situ Deep Soil Improvement
This proceedings,
National Water Resources Regulation
Where is the Environmental Pendulum Now?
This proceedings,
Reconstruction of the West Breakwater at Port Sines, Portugal
This volume,
Revenue Enhancement for Water and Wastewater Systems
This proceedings,
Serviceability of Earth Retaining Structures
Civil Engineers increasingly face decisions concerning the serviceability of existing earth retaining structures. Serviceability limit states describe the functional disruption which occurs...
Stiffness of Low Rise Reinforced Concrete Shear Walls
This report,
The Variability of Large Alluvial Rivers
Written by river engineers and earth scientists who are experts in river morphology, dynamics, and control,
Focusing on Fatigue
Properly designed and maintained bridges sometimes need repair for fatigue damage. Among the reasons may be that the bridge was designed before current fatigue design provisions, or initial...
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