Hydraulic Effects on Swimming Fish in Fish Passage Structures
The implications of profile drag, weight, and buoyant forces on energy and power requirements of fish swimming through fish passage structures are considered. Where hydraulic grade lines...

Flow Through Fish Bypass Intakes
Hydraulic and computational fluid dynamic models were used to investigate the cause of the unequal intake flow distribution observed entering the three vertical intakes of the patented...

Groundwater Transport in a Heterogeneous Aquifer: Tracking a Complex Plume
The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is conducting a large-scale groundwater research project as a part of the Electric Power Research Institute's (EPRI) Solid Waste Environmental...

Computer Aided Hydraulic Design of Open Channels
The results of tests by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers District, Los Angeles (LAD), became a major part of the Corps' EM 1110-2-1601, Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels....

A Shopper's Guide to Urban Stormwater Software, Revisited
Results of a survey of urban stormwater software were first discussed by the author in August, 1985. A trend toward widespread adoption of SCS procedures as a new standard in urban hydrology...

Stormwater Management by Utility Approach
Traditional methods of financing municipal stormwater operations and improvements through general city fund revenues has passed. A utility approach providing a continuous, uniform flow...

Identification of Automation Opportunities
Construction, although the world's largest industry, is also its most archaic. Most construction practices are very labor-intensive, with resulting impacts on safety, productivity,...

Terrestrial Trends for Building Technology in North America
This paper discusses new building technologies that will develop in the early 1990's to become significant technologies by the mid 1990's. The perspective is...

Use of Non-Terrestrial Materials for Large-Scale Space Activities
As the space program matures, space construction will evolve from assembly and deployment of systems fabricated on the Earth to projects constructed from locally available resources. The...

A Commonality Assessment of Lunar Surface Habitation
This paper presents a commonality assessment of lunar surface habitation. Thus far, NASA has baselined the space station common module for initial lunar base habitation; however, nothing...

Extraterrestrials Excavation and Mining with Explosives
Explosion excavation technology may become a valuable tool for economic and efficient base station construction on extraterrestrial bodies. Criteria for explosives which can safely be...

The Expandable Platform as a Structure on the Moon
This discussion will show how the expandable platform, initially designed for earth, is translated for use on the moon, and how it answers a multitude of problems while it is used for...

Planetary Base Inflatable Form Construction
The use of the inflatable form (IF) structure has been practiced in the concrete industry for more than a decade. This article proposes the use of a double-walled IF for the Phase I construction...

Radiation Hazards to Space Construction - The Energetic Particle Environments
Many aspects of the space environment are recognized hazards for activities above the Earth's atmosphere. One of the most dramatic hazards is that posed by the diverse energetic...

Animation/Simulation for Construction Planning
The importance of a highly efficient schedule for space construction cannot be overestimated. A detailed scheduling process working closely with design data could reduce costs, minimize...

Robotics Research for Construction in Space
Research in construction robotics, terrestrial or otherwise, has focused on issues which are broadly pertinent to space applications. Construction robotics, as addressed by this writer,...

Space Station - New Venture/Old Problem
Four key operations-related costs are associated with the Space Station: (1) transportation, (2) data management, (3) sustaining engineering, and (4) integrated logistics. Life cycle cost...

Indirect Solar Loading of Waste Heat Radiators
Waste heat from space based power systems must ultimately be radiated away into space. The local topology around the radiators must be considered from two standpoints: the scattering of...

The Liquid Droplet Radiator in Space: A Parametric Approach
This study is a parametric investigation of the performance and operating characteristics of a cylindrical Liquid Droplet Radiator (LDR) for use in space. The LDR system mass per heat...

Waste Management: Project Mercury to the Space Station
This paper presents my perceptions of the design of waste management systems for manned space flights. I'll follow the evolution of waste management from the early Mercury...





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