The Role of Contingency Planning in the Management of National Marine and Estuarine Sanctuaries
The utility of planned response mechanisms or contingency plans in the maintenance and/or restoration of a desired state or condition in a resource or management system is acknowledged...

Fishery Mitigation in an Estuarine Environment
This paper summarizes the major features of the estuarine mitigation plan proposed by New York State Department of Transportation in conjunction with the interstate highway project known...

Regional Waterfront Planning Without a Superagency: Can Existing Agencies Fill the Gap?
As far back as 1966, the Regional Plan Association saw the potential for mixed use development of underutilized and vacant land along New Jersey's Hudson River Waterfront....

Analysis of Virginia's Local Wetlands Boards
The Commonwealth of Virginia's system of managing its wetlands resources through local Wetlands Boards comprised of citizen volunteers is reviewed. The differences among boards...

Investigations of Day-Night Distributional Changes of Striped Bass in Hudson River Interpier Areas
As part of a Hudson River fisheries study, investigations were made in an attempt to assess whether onshore-offshore movements could change the number of juvenile striped bass using interpier...

Histological Markers of Environmental Effect
This paper evaluates the potential use of histopathology in determining the health of wild fish relative to the quality of the water in which the fish are residents. This paper examines...

Importance of Underpier Areas in Lower Hudson River for Striped Bass
A stratified random sampling design was employed in which each of three sampling zones (New York, New Jersey and Upper Harbor underpier areas) were sampled once per month from February...

Implementing Mitigation Policies in San Francisco Bay: A Critique
This paper documents and evaluates 58 permits in San Francisco Bay that required the implementation of wetland restoration projects to fulfil mitigation requirements. The 58 projects are...

Coastal Resource Management: The Ecosystem Perspective
A definite need exists to generate coastal management strategies that focus upon integration of the complex interactions between biological, physical, chemical, and geological processes...

Special Management Area Planning in Mississippi's Coastal Zone: The Port Bienville Experience
In Mississippi, the key state agency charged with the responsibility for coastal wetland protection is the Bureau of Marine Resources, a sub-division of the Department of Wildlife Conservation....

Application of Estuarine Habitat Models in Alabama
The development of quantitative impact assessment methods over the past decade has improved our ability to identify environmental losses and recommend appropriate compensation measures...

Development of a Computerized Wetlands Mapping Data Base for Use in Section 404 Jurisdictional Determinatins in San Francisco Bay
Development and habitat alteration in the San Francisco Bay-Delta system have placed the remaining wetlands in jeopardy. The Bay-Delta wetlands will be mapped in a joint project of the...

Community Succession Modeling for Resource Management
The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is implementing community succession models to forecast the impacts of altered hydrological regimes on forested floodplains and coastal marshes. A pilot...

Geomorphic Processes and Stability of Coastal Wetlands
Theoretical stability analyses of coastal wetland systems typically show that the key determinant of stability is the rate of operation of geomorphic processes. This implies that if the...

The Suwannee River Estuary: Cohesive Sedimentation
Cohesive sediment dynamics as effected by salinity intrusion are described for the Suwannee River Estuary, a large estuary flowing over the very shallow limestone shelf of Florida's...

Influence of the Drought Phenomenas of the Senegalese Coastal Ecosystems: The Case of the Saloum Estuary and Mangrove Area
The persistent drought, with the strong reduction in freshwater, causes an oversalinity from upstream to downstream in the Saloum waters. The mangrove system operates such as an inverse...

Louisiana's Joint Public Notice System
The Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Management Division (CMD) implemented the Joint Public Notice System (JPNS), a cooperative agreement with the United States Army,...

Erosion of the Nile Delta Coast
The construction of the High Aswan Dam has resulted in a total absence of River Nile flow into the Mediterranean, and a corresponding loss of the sediment source for the Delta. However,...

Multidisciplinary Barge Fleeting Site-Evaluation
The U. S. Maritime Administration, in cooperation with the State of Louisiana, recently (March 1985) released a major report on barge fleeting on the Lower Mississippi River. The study...

New Orleans Flood Gates Hydraulic Model Study
A hydraulic model study was conducted to evaluate the forces exerted on selected floodgates by flowing water as the gates are closed after flooding has begun. The results of the study...





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