The USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project
New generation water erosion prediction technology is being developed by the USDA Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP). The new technology is expected to replace the Universal Soil...

An Agricultural Watershed Environmental Study
The concerns of this study are the effects of soil and water conservation measures on a salmonid habitat for an agricultural watershed. The study includes an economic analysis in accordance...

Water and Sediment Yield in the Tucannon River
A site specific model for water and sediment yield was developed to estimate water quality aspects of the Tucannon River Basin. In this paper, the relation of water and sediment yield...

Channel Morphology and Habitat
Stream channels provide habitat for aquatic animals, such as fish and aquatic benthic invertebrates. Associated with the channel are near water habitats important to amphibians, reptiles,...

Kissimmee River: Engineering Approaches for Restoration
The Kissimmee River, located in central Florida, was channelized for flood control during the 1960s. Movements by environmental interest groups have produced strong sentiment to restore...

The TENN-V Storm Hydrograph Simulation Model
TENN-V is a computerized, lumped, non-linear stormwater hydrograph simulation model for small unregulated watersheds. The applicability of TENN-V is best established in watersheds of less...

Runoff Simulation, Homestake II Project
Wetlands issues raised in connection with the proposed Homestake II Project required an extremely detailed evaluation of basin hydrology. The Subalpine Water Balance Model (WATBAL) was...

Urban Drainage Calculation Limits for Small Areas
This paper discusses the selection and application of hydrologic techniques in the design of stormwater facilities, with particular emphasis on the selection of hydrologic procedure for...

Federal Microcomputer Software for Urban Hydrology
The purpose of this paper is to describe the development, availability, and general use of selected urban hydrology microcomputer software developed by: U.S. Soil Conservation Service...

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sedimentation Engineering Manual D. Reservoir Sedimentation
This paper discusses Chapter 5, Reservoir Sedimentation, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Engineering Manual (EM) on Sedimentation Engineering, EM 1110-2-4000. The chapter...

Hydrodynamic Response of an Estuary to Storm Forcing
Previous work on the response/sensitivity of an estuarine hydrodynamic model to the choice of model parameters is extended to include a preliminary consideration of wind-generated waves....

The BRANCH Model and the Segara Anakan Study
The Lower Citanduy Irrigation Project in Central Java, Indonesia drains through the estuary called Segara Anakan. Due to sediment accretion, the lagoon is filling. With erosion problems,...

Rainfall Intensity-Duration Equations
A method for rapidly developing a rainfall intensity-duration equation for durations less than one hour and recurrence intervals between 2 and 100 years for any location in the conterminous...

Fine Contaminated Sediment Erosion/Deposition in the Buffalo River, New York
This paper documents part of a project which sought to characterize sediment transport in the Buffalo River as a contribution toward planning for dredging or in-place containment of the...

Approach for 3-D, Time-Varying Hydrodynamic/Water Quality Model of Chesapeake Bay
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) has identified major contributing factors to the Bay's decline as inputs of nutrients and toxicants from point and nonpoint...

Unsteady Flow in a Navigation Channel
Based on the de St Venant equations, the Preissmann's implicit finite difference scheme, and the double sweep algorithm, a mathematical model for one-dimensional unsteady...

Sediment Flushing Experiences at Cherry Creek Dam
An overview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District's experiences in sediment flushing operations at Cherry Creek Reservoir near Denver, Colorado is presented....

Application of Reservoir Sedimentation Data to Problems of Environmental Management
Application of sediment delivery ratios and sediment routing procedures to sediment measurements provide an alternative approach to the prediction of localized average annual erosion rates....

Hydrologiic Risk Analysis for Small Dams in Missouri
A methodology is presented for calculating the risk cost for a dam based on probabilities for rainfall depth, antecedent moisture condition, rainfall time distribution, initial reservoir...

Uncertainty and Value Analysis in the Selection of Dam Modification Alternative
Objectives and attributes were decided by the dam and watershed requirements, value judgments of decision makers, quantified trade-offs between different attribute values, and technical...





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