Water Management During California's Drought
California is suffering from a fourth consecutive year of drought, and 1990 is shaping up to be the most severe of the four. Water planning in California is usually based upon the experience...

Cooperation: Solving the California Water Problem
The water picture in California is changing rapidly. Water professionals, to say nothing of the public at large, are hard-pressed to keep up with new technical information and changing...

Regulatory Perspective on Ground Water Pollution Cleanup in the Santa Clara Valley
The Santa Clara Valley is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay and serves as the home of approximately 1.2 million people. Approximately 40% of the Valley's water...

Remediation Technologies in Use for Groundwater and Soil Contamination in the Santa Clara Valley
Silicon Valley is known as the origin and the heart of the high technology (Hitech) industry. However, tech-nologies used for soils and groundwater remediation in the valley are not necessarily...

Alternative Technologies for Waste Minimization
The recently enacted waste minimization legislation, SB 14 (Roberti) places an additional regulatory burden on manufacturers in the Bay Area. The requirement for waste minimization plans...

Influence of International Students on the U.S. Educational System and Professional Practice
If the U.S. will continue to be a leader in the technological world of the 21st century, it must create a new generation of American engineers with an understanding of the world, its people...

Do the Right Thing
Engineers and scientists at the Center for Advanced Decision Support for Water and Environmental Systems (CADSWES) are developing software to support water resource and environmental decision...

The Invisible Engineer
For all their contributions to society, engineers have worked largely behind the scenes, seldom remembered in the dedication ceremonies of bridges and tunnels and skyscrapers. Several...

The Benefits of Benefits
The article describes the effects of high turnover on a firm's performance and the potential for helping control it through the benefits offered employees. Historically, benefits...

The ABCs of SRFs
With the outlook for future federal funding bleak, state and local governments will have to reply on their own resources to fund the plant expansions and upgrades needed to meet EPAs wastewater...

Environmental Engineering
This proceedings was presented at the Environmental Engineering 1990 Specialty Conference sponsored by the Environmental Engineering Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers...

Quality in the Constructed Project
a Guide for Owners, Designers and Constructors
This final version of the Quality in the Construction Project (ASCE Manual No. 73) provides suggestions and recommendations to owners, design...

Supplying Water and Saving the Environment for Six Billion People
This proceedings was presented at the 1990 Annual Civil Engineering Convention and Exposition in San Francisco, California on November 5-8, 1990. Out of the 47 sessions presented at the...

Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 1989
Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers Vol. 154, 1989 contains abstracts for all ASCE journal papers and technical notes,...

ASCE Annual Combined Index 1989
The 1989 ASCE Annual Combined Index provides a guide to materials appearing in publications of ASCE published during 1989. This includes papers and technical notes from ASCE technical...

Behavior of Structures During Earthquakes
Originally published in: Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, EM4, October 1959, pp. 109-129...

Vibrations of Linearly Tapered Cantilever Beams
Originally published in: Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, EM2, April 1962, pp. 95-123...

Natural Periods of Buildings
Originally published in: Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, EM4, August 1963, pp. 31-65...

Generation of Artificial Earthquakes
Originally published in: Journal of the Engineering Mechanics Division, ASCE, EM1, February 1964, pp. 113-150...

Numerical Model for Tsunami Run-Up
Originally published in: Journal of the Waterways, Harbors and Coastal Engineering Division, ASCE, WW3, August 1970, pp. 701-719...





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