Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Impacts on Ground-Water Quality
The effect of irrigation management and nitrogen management on ground-water quality has been evaluated for four years on a sandy loam Coastal Plain soil. Nitrogen sidedressing and fertigation...

Modeling Irrigation and Nitrogen Management
Irrigation increases the potential for nitrate accumulation in the groundwater in two ways. It increases the water content in the root zone creating a greater potential for leaching. Two...

Water and Nitrogen Management Practices in the Central Platte Valley of Nebraska
Contamination of groundwater by nitrogen leached from fertilizer on irrigated soils is related to the quantity of nitrate present, the leaching potential based on soil texture and percent...

Preliminary Results of the Department of the Interior's Irrigation Drainage Studies
The Department of the Interior, in 1986, began irrigation drainage studies in nine areas in seven Western states to determine whether irrigation drainage has caused or has the potential...

Selenium in the Kendrick Reclamation Project, Wyoming
Elevated concentrations of selenium in water, bottom sediment, and biota were noted during a reconnaissance investigation of the Kendrick Reclamation Project in central Wyoming. Dissolved-selenium...

Near-Real Time Weather Information for Irrigation Management in Arizona
The Arizona Meteorological Network (AZMET) is a near-real time ag-weather information system for Arizona. A single personal computer running inexpensive bulletin board software controls...

Canvas Covered Bellani Plate Atmometer
Crop water use information is essential for sound water management and conservation in irrigated agriculture. Many water management technologies are often inapplicable until accurate and...

Collection, Quality Control and Dissemination of Weather Data for Irrigation and Other Operations in an Automated Setting
High technology has made it possible to completely automate the collection of weather data. Care must be taken in designing the automated system to generalize the software components thereby...

Irrigation Scheduling Using Voice Synthesis, the Next Logical Step
An irrigation management program sponsored by the Raft River Electric Cooperative in Malta, Idaho, provided directly measured soil moisture data to selected irrigators each week during...

The Social Sciences and Water Resources Management
With support from the National Science Foundation, a committee of 15 persons met in Washington, D.C. in 1985 to begin the process of assessing the past and future role of the social and...

Social Science, Engineering and Water Resources Management: A Perspective
This paper shares a framework or context for professional activities of social scientists in water resources management. It emphasizes the positive opportunities for helping and not simply...

Ideology: A Worried Analysis
The paper makes the point that social, cultural and psychological variables, that is, variables of the behavioral sciences, are meaningful to the field of natural resource management....

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Water Resources Management
In recent years a variety of techniques have been advocated to resolve natural resource conflicts. These approaches have collectively been termed 'Alternative Dispute Resolution'...

Water Conservation in Irrigated Agriculture
This paper looks at irrigated agriculture in the West in light of the current circumstances, with particular reference to water conservation. It illustrates the need for expanding the...

Demand Management and Urban Water Supply Planning
During the past twenty years, the social sciences research has been translated into new methods and techniques of analysis which enable planners to evaluate the role of demand management...

Water Resources Management and Structural Change in Rural Australia
Water policies in Australia are undergoing fundamental change marked by a switch in emphasis from development of further sources of water to management of available supplies. Quite apart...

Water Rights Issues
The paper focuses primarily on the fragmented legal rights to water in the hydrologic cycle, with conjunctive use and management of interconnected water resources and with some conflicting...

Assessment of the Role of the Social Sciences in Water Planning and Management: Legal Systems and their Impediments to Change
Water resource planners and managers may not be able to do what they believe essential, or at least useful, to sound water management because the action would violate the federal constitution...

Alternatives to the Precommensuration of Costs, Benefits, Risks, and Time
The thesis advanced in this paper is that benefit-cost analysis, the present-value-of-cost (and benefit) approach, and the expected value of damage as a measure of risk all share a faulty...

River Basin Management
Institutional arrangements for watershed and basin management are diverse in form and pragmatic in approach. Over the years, they have reflected the status of American federalism and do...





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